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Our Sponsors

No event of this size is possible without the generous support of its sponsors. The sponsors on this page not only support our Mack events, but give of themselves year-round to the BDSM community. Please show your appreciation by patronizing them whenever possible.

Janna and Otter, proprietors of Womyns'Ware, have been long-time supporters of The Other Side and the annual Mack events. Their shop offers a large variety of leather gear, BDSM paraphenalia, books, toys, and other delights. One of the best sources for silicone dills. Well worth you don't leave empty-handed! By the way, you don't have to be female...... just polite.

896 Commercial Drive,
Vancouver, B.C.
Tel: (604)254-2543
Fax: (604)254-5472
Web Site:

Click here to visit
the Womyns'Ware WebSite

LaTienda Shoe Salon is probably one of the finest sources of specialty footware in the world. Pumps, sandals, platforms, boots, you name it, they have it, with some of the highest stilleto heel heights around. The wonderful new location also features a refreshment bar, so you can view and try on shoes at leisure. They even have a Fetish Room! LaTienda also offers excellent, trustworthy mail-order service.

341 West Pender Street
Vancouver, B.C.
Tel: (604)683-6200
Fax: (604)683-6217

Web Site:

Click here to visit
the LaTienda WebSite

House of Gord Publications (HGP) is operated by the infamous J.L. Gord, his true love, Lady Serena, and the "Oh, so-good-to-look-at" Blanche Maynard. All of these individuals have graced The Other Side and Playrz parties in the past, and will undoubtedly do so again (despite the fact that they live about a billion miles away). HGP publishes the "Gord Series" of excellent BDSM fiction works, and a high-quality BDSM magazine called "Fantasy of Gord". Volumes 4 and 5 are currently in the works. HGP also offers a web-site, "Galaxy of Gord" with a twist. All pictures are taken in actual bondage scenes, using actual devices built by Gord and others. No staging or props here! Dragon, Dragon, and Dragon give it "three thumbs up"! Well worth a visit. Gord has been a strong supporter of The Other Side, and rumour has it that he and Lady Serena will be at Mack.

UPDATE!!! J.L. Gord and Lady Serena have arrived from overseas, and will be at Mack VIII ! Blanche Maynard is working furiously to clear her schedule, and hopes to be at Play Party Senior.

Web Site:

Click here to visit
the Galaxy Of Gord WebSite

Beyond The Edge Cafe daily meets the needs of the Seattle and Pacific NorthWest BDSM communities. As well as offering excellent meals, BTE hosts weekly Fetish Nights, hosted by Allena, the Cafe Goddess, in their "in-house" playroom, BTE University (BTEU), a workshop series for those wishing to expand their BDSM knowledge, The Women's Welcoming Committee, and SSMUT (Seattle Sado-Masochism Unabashed Talk), a BDSM open-forum discussion group facilitated by Erik Roeder. The Cafe also does double-duty as an art gallery, featuring excellent BDSM works from various talented artists. Their website features a full calendar of events. Be sure to check them out if you're ever in Seattle. Allena, and Ralph, the proprietor, will make you feel right at home.

703 E. PIKE
Tel: (206)325-6829

Click here to visit
Beyond The Edge Cafe's WebSite

All images, links and logos on this page
are used with permission of the owners.

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