Brian Talks About Nick
If you want to find out the real truth about someone, who better to ask than their best mate?
•What's Nick afraid of?
B: The dark. If we've been to see a scary movie or something, and we're sharing a room, if the lights are off when we walk in he's like (whispering) "It's dark in here, isn't it?" And he's not being funny or anything, he means it!
N: But check this out. Sometimes, if I don't think about the room being dark and Martians in the closet, I can go to sleep real easy. But I'll never hang my feet off the end of the bed - I'm afraid little gremlins will bite my toes! Really!
•Does he think he's good looking?
B: Yeah, I guess he does.
N: (indignantly) No I don't!
B: Sure you do! Not in a big headed way or anythying, but I think we all look at ourselves in the mirror ansd say, "Yeah, I look OK today." It's a part of the job, being aware of how you look. It'd be different if you were like (in his best Jim Carrey voice), "Damn, I'm hot!".
- If Nick had to join another band, which would he pick?
N: But I don't wanna leave...!
B: Hey, don't worry, Frack, I won't make ya! No seriously, if he had to be, I'd say he'd be the new Kurt Cobain.
N: Yeah, I guess I could be a Nirvana dude.
- Has he ever embarrassed himself in front of a girl?
B: Oh yeah, all the time!
N: Actually, no, they embarrass me in front of girls! B: Once, we threw him out of the dressing room in his under-drawers (pants) in front of a whole bunch of girls. He got real mad, but it was really funny!
N: Fortunately for you, I had my good Backstreet Boys drawers on!
•What do you reckon he'll buy with his first million?
B: A whole heap of video games, that's for sure! First he'd pay off his parents' house for them. It's a really nice home and he's told me he wants to stay there until he's at least 20, when he'll get his own place. Then he'd go out and buy a lot of video games and a really cool entertainment system.
- Is he good with the fans?
B: He tries real hard to be, but I think he probably has a more difficult time dealing with it than the rest of us, because he's the one who gets tugged on the most. If me and him are getting out of the bus at the same time, they'd probably go for him. That's why we all try to get off the bus with him - we push him out first so we can all walk right on past!
Who's had the biggest influence on his life?
N: You have, Frick.
B: Thanks, Frack. Actually, that's probably not too far off the truth. I've maybe not had the BIGGEST influence on him, but perhaps a major influence over the last three and a half years, when he's done most of his growing up. So it's probably been me and his parents.
- Is he a good role model for the younger fans?
B: Ocassionally! No, to be honest, I think he's done really well. Being in this position as young as he is, he's handled everything that's come his way like a grown man.
- Are you proud of him?
B: Yeah, I'm proud of him, he's my little Frack! I'm proud of the way he handles everything that comes along and how he's matured. We all have problems outside of the band at home or with different things, like Howie's recently experienced his grandmother passing away, but it doesn't matter what goes on outside, Nick's always real straightfaced and gets the job done the best he can.