"Mew and the Ramen Noodles" One rainy day Mewtwo decided it was ramen noodle weather. So he got out his biggest pot (The one that Mew takes baths in), filled it with boiling water, and dumped the noodles in. When he saw that the noodles were finished cooking, he turned off the heat and went away to read PSYCHICATS WEEEKLY in the living room until the noodles cooled off. Ten minutes later Mew jauntily flew into the kitchen with his tail playfully swishing and swirling, and was hunting for a snack when he noticed the pot. Flying up to the brim, Mew alighted in his tiptoes and peered in. What a delightful sight that met his eyes! And such a lovely smell, too! Mew closed his eyes, stuck up his nose and deeply inhaled the aroma of ramen noodles. "mmmmmm, mewww......" he breathed, his tail still weaving through the air. Unfortunately, the narrow brim of the pot made Mew lose his balance, and with a frightened "mewwwwwwwww!!!" the little one tumbled in, and landed with a splash among the noodles. At first Mew desperately pawed at the metal wall to get out, mewing piteously to his "big brother", Mewtwo, who didn't hear. But eventually his fear subsided and Mew began to realize the wonderful world he was in. With a delighted "mew!" The little one swam through the noodles, chasing a strand this way, diving into a mound there, weaving in and out of the mass of yellow ribbons, all the while becoming more and more entangled in the pasta, until he was just a massive lump of wet yellow noodles, which was rapidly becoming colder. The heat was escaping, and with it, the fun of being in a giant pot of ramen noodles. Mew tried to wiggle his way out, but he was too caught up. Not even his tail would swish. Mew drew the line at that. He began to cry for help. Now by this time Mewtwo had finished the last article in his beloved PSYCHICATS WEEKLY magazine and had just decided to stretch out for a nap when he heard the piercing wail of the panicky Mew. Mewtwo raced to the source of the cry, and found it led to the pot of ramen noodles he had cooked. No, this cannot be, he thought, and hesitantly asked, "Mew?" "Mewtwo, is that you?" came the echoey voice from inside. "Help me out, I'm stuck!" Mewtwo peered into the pot and found Mew in his wretched state. "You fell into the noodles?" "Yes, and I'm stuck. Help me out, will you?" "You can't get out by yourself?" "No, I've tried already. It won't come loose!" And to prove it, Mew began to thrash around in an attempt to escape. Mewtwo watched this spectacle for a while, and his blank expression was soon replaced by a mischievous half-grin. He made no effort to help his "little brother", but merely sat down at the kitchen table, crossed his legs, and listened. After a while, Mew stopped thrashing and called out again, "Mewtwo, are you still there? Please, help me out!" "Fell into the noodles," Mewtwo mumbled to himself, and he began to chuckle. Mew heard the soft laughing and was rather offended. There's nothing funny about this, thought Mew, and called out, "I'm serious Mewtwo, get me out of here!" But Mewtwo's laughter only increased. The little prisoner listened to the noise and thought, Well, I guess I'll just have to eat my way out. And so little Mew set to work eating his way out of the noodles, making little sipping and slurping noises, becoming so absorbed in his work that he didn't even notice that Mewtwo had stopped laughing and was watching him. An hour later, Mew had slurped up the last bit of the giant pot of ramen noodles, and had nearly grown to the size of a basketball. With a grunt Mew lifted himself up with his psychic energy, but he was too heavy and dropped back down. Again he pu-u-ushed himself up, but fell backdown. "Uh, Mewtwo?" Mewtwo stood up and smiled. "Can you help me out of here?" Mew saw his "brother" reach for something on the counter, and watched in shock as he clamped the lid down on the pot. Darkness. "M,Mewtwo?" Mew heard Mewtwo's steps walking away, and heard the light switch turn off. "I could use some help getting out..." "Mewtwo?"