Sailor Mew Prologue After the finish of the Sailor Stars series, a new enemy made a threat. The inner senshi, Usagi Tsukino, Minako Aino, Makoto Kino, Rei Hino, and Ami Mizuno, had just had the chance to settle down into normal lives. Usagi, just having finished high school along with everybody else, was being lazy. As always, lying around the house, had just about been brain washed by the useless information on television. Ami, as the school addictive girl she had always been, had already been excepted into collage in Germany, studying to be a doctor. Minako was full filling her dream to be an idol, traveling around the world as a model. Rei was going to have to be the caretaker of the temple, as her Grandfather past away. Makoto decided to be a cook on television, so was taking advanced cooking classes over seas. Out of the outer senshi, Michiru Kaiou, Haruka Ten'oh, Setsuna Meiou, and Hotaru Tomoe, three out of the four had graduated collage. Michiru and Haruka had confessed their love for each other and gotten married, while Setsuna had become a fashion designer in Hong Kong. Hotaru was still in school. But, as always, nothing was ever going to be normal..... especially since a strange creature was sighted around the town.....