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welcome to the new contest page!

Current Contest(s):

Contest #1: Mew Online needs a new banner for people to link to us with! Your mission: to create a banner. The judges will pick the best ones, and award the prizes. yes, i said prizes. here is the list of prizes:

GRAND PRIZE: 1 English booster pack, of your choice, Japanese candy (different flavors and types available! very yummy! all good to eat!), fanart by one of the staff members (most likely me) of your favorite Pokemon (#1-251), and 30 common, uncommon, and rare cards from Kat's collection (x.x;; ACK! they're giving away my cards! oh well, it's not like i need 4,000 cards ^_^;;)

Runner up #1: fanart by one of the staff members (most likely me) of your favorite Pokemon (#1-251), Japanese candy, and 15 common, uncommon, and rare cards from Kat's collection.

Runner up #2: fanart by one of the staff members (most likely me) of your favorite Pokemon (#1-251), Japanese candy, and 10 common, uncommon, and rare cards from Kat's collection.

How to enter: send an email to us.
