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Mew Codes

first of all, i am NOT responsible for codes not working, i doubt any of these codes work, but for all of you desprite people who will try anything ( like me ^_^ ) to catch Mew. and no, i have not tried some of these codes, so there is still hope!

To capture Mew - first you need 151 pokemon ( missingno.). then You trade a Mewtwo for a Gastly then get the gastly up to level 50 then trade him for a kadabra witch will evolve into a Alakazam. Put him on the top of your team then face a missingno that is level 0. you need te masterball code and a open space on your team. Get the Missingno on the top of your pokmon list then go fight the Elite 4. every time you battle take missingno out of battle and put in a Zapdos. after a wile Missingno. will evolve into some rare pokemon. Then go to cennabar island and read all the journals in order. get out and put your coin case in a box on the PC. go get another one from the guy in the city where you got the first one. Go down the bike hill to the pond then fly to Pallet. talk to Gary’s sister then your mom then Oak. go north and talk to all the gym leaders andthat guy who takes you to the top. go all the way to the Elite 4 and beet them 12 times in a row with out talking to anyone but the nurse. after you win you go talk to Oak and he will say your pokedex is compleated. Now go to Safron and talk to the psyic guy and tell you about Mew. Now go to the seaform island and talk to that girl in the water for at least a hour and she will give you a powerdex ( a riged up pokedex) and will tell you to go in the cave and find a new pokemon. don’t go in. fly to sennabar island and find the room with the pipes on the wall. hit A on the middle pipe and it will say " amber" but you can’t take it. Go in your items and get the coin case. you will hear a call like a Mewtwo but it isn’t. Your team should look like- Rare pokemon that missingno evolved into- mewtwo-zapdos- dratini-caterpie and charazard/bulbasaur/blastoise. You will fight the pipe and use a mastewr ball to catch it. it will evilve into mew at levil 84.

to get mew, you need to not let the S.S. ANNE leave. to do so, you have to get cut and loose to a trainer on perpose. then, when you have all 150 pokemon, fight a missingno. and go to the SS ANNE town. then go to the pokemon leage site on the computer. there will be pokemon that u never took to the leage. Wait till you hear a song that u never heard in the game. the go to the SS ANNE and surf along the dock mew will appear.

Go to the pokemon center by Mt. Moon and go to the guy that sells you a Magikcarp.Put in the daycare center until it reaches level 50 and it will evolve into Mew!

ok i have the newest way 2 get mew DONT GET MORE THAN 140 POKEMON!!! u need to get excatly 140 or 145 pokemon then goto the game creator he will show u a list of pokemon he wants GET HIM THE POKEMON now after u give them 2 him he will let u select NEW POKEMONS!!!(Pikablue mew etc etc...) get which ever one u want!!

To catch Mew ,don't run into any guys on S.S. Anne.[Exept for Gary.]get your HM CUT and go to Fushia city and go to Safari zone.Go get the HM SURF and goto S.S Anne SURF right.In the water,you will find Mew.On both versions.[For sure.]

I know how we all have said "theres no mew in the US Version" WRONG!!! i have mew in my box u have 2 have all 150 Pokemon and then u get the certificate from the guy at celadon city u go through the frong then u search the fields anywhere then POOF! Mew will be ready to kik some @$$. some news eh?

Get all 150 pokemon, go to the celadon mansion. go to the floor with all the guys that are working on the game. Talk to the guy that is not on the screen. He will give you a diploma saying you have caught all 150 pokemon. The go to the S.S. Anne docks. Show the guy your ticket. Then when your about to board the S.S. Anne, you surf to the side. You may find a truck, but I think you can move it by using strength. Under there is Mew.

To get this little guy, simply talk to Bill when he is a pokemon, leave his house, and FLY to Cinnabar. To do this simply: get CUT in a trade, work your way to Cinnabar, get FLY, SURF, and STRENGTH, FLY back to Cerulean, talk to Bill, when he's in the machine leave, FLY to Cinnabar, and preform the Safari Zone Trick!

First, you have to catch every Pokemon in the game. That's 150, a seemingly insurmountable task, but accomplishable. Then, walk around in the fields on either side of Cerulean City. This is the easiest place to find him. After a long amount of battles, around 70 or so, he will appear. He is only level 20 when you find him, so don't kill him! That's all there is to it. Pretty simple, huh?

This code works on both Red and Blue Versions. After capturing Mewtwo you can capture Mew in the same cave. He can be anywhere inside the Unknown Dungeon. Mew will be disguised as another Pokemon.(Particuly another Psychic-type Pokemon) You can tell if it is Mew or not by the name it says on the top of the battle screen. The range of Level will vary, and you only have ONE chance at capturing it. Be prepared for a long battle!

Go to the palace with all the wild pokémon in it on Cinnabar Island. Right before you jump of to get the key on the right side of the room, take a left and jump off there. A man will be standing by a ball (like when you got eevee) take the ball off the table and that's Mew!!!!!

1. You must have 3 pokemon to do this, Psyduck, Jynx, a pokemon you don't want, and a clefairy. 2. Put the pokemon you don't want first on your pokescreen then go along the route below Virdian City. 3. Get into a fight and win with only the pokemon you don't want. 4. after the batte, put Psduck first, press a twice on cefariy, then use whatever yur thirteenth item is on Psyduck. 5. now go to the pokemon center in Viridian, and heal your pokemon. 6. put the pokemon you dont want in your box and bring it out, Now its a MEW!!!!

First, you need to get a Nidoking to L100. Then go to Celadon City and find a Team Rocket member and talk to him. He will ask you if he could have the Nidoking. If you give it to him he will give you a set of Keys. You use the Keys to turn the truck by the S.S. Anne on and move it. A Poke Ball should be there and that's where you get Mew.

To find Mew,collect all 150 pokemon and go to Cerulean City .Next,Go to Bill . Bill will then give you Mew !! ( Remember he's the guy who has rare pokemon ).

To find Mew, collect all 150 pokemon and then go to where you found Eevee . Talk to the guy that says he knows everything . He will tell you about Mew and the Pokegods.Then go to the Unknown Dungeon and use your itemfinder to find pokemon.

To find Mew,Return to Professor Oak's lab.He will tell you a story about Mew.Then afterwards he will give you Mew.

A complicated way to get Mew-Get Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Snorlax AND Dragonite and put them in your starting place. Go to where you got Eevee from and right after talking to the man save 3 times. Go to where you got Articuno and save there. Go to where you got Zapdos and save there. Go to where you got Moltres and save there. Go to where you got Mewtwo and save twice. Go to the bottom wall, and press "A" against every part of it (only on land, not needed on the part in the water) then do the same thing but press "b". Go to bills house, highlight Eevee then quickly press "b" to get out of the computer and save 3 times. Go to the burnt down laboratory, press the same statue/switch 3 times and save once. Go to the regeneration lab thing. Talk to the man in the hallway, next to the picture, and save. Look at the picture, save, and exit your game. Turn off the game boy and press A, A, B, B, A, A, B, B on Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Snorlax, Dragonite, Mewtwo in this order and turn the gameboy off after every one except Mewtwo. Select new game and press A, A, B, B when you see Nidorino. When he asks your name type MEW (all capital). When he asks your enemy's name type OaK (capital "O" lower case "a" capital"K"). In your room go to the snes type A, A, B, B after you see the dialogue of you playing it then save your game. Go to gary's house (which should be Oak) and talk to his sister. Play to where professor oak tells you to choose a pokemon. The pokeballs and Pokedex pages will say the REAL pokemon, the same pokemon that Is supposed to be in them. Choose the ball that's Charmander. Nickname him Mew. When you fight Gary let him beat Charmander. After you lose go to the pokecenter in the next town and heal Charmander before you do anything. Charmander should be Mew!

Get to a secret stairway in the S.S. Anne and go to the very bottom. Someone will trade you Mew for a different Pokémon.

When you catch Mewtwo, nickname it MEW. Take it to the daycare, and when you get it back it will be Mew.

Talk to the 2 people outside the buldings in Pallet town. Now go to Cinnabar island and surf all the way around it. You will find MEW.

Fight someone who has Mew and uses it (with a link cable) and after fighting, go to the old man in Viridian City and when he asks you if you are in a hurry say no. FLY to Cinnabar island and SURF on the right side on the shore (closest to Pokécentre and Mart). You should find Mew and/or any other Pokémon your opponent was using.


the game genie code here works. i tried it.

Red Version codes

151-91A-7FC 151-93A-F7E 151-9BA-5DB

Blue Version codes

151-91A-7FC 151-93A-F7E 151-9BA-6EB

Fight Mew in the grassy lands near Cerulean City on the west side. It should be a square patch like grassy lands if any people are confused.


01151ED1-This code lets you start of with Mew

0115D8CF-This code lets you fight Mew every battle


To get Mew, go to Shion Town and ask the nickname changer to change your Koiking's nickname to Mew. Go into your tools, go down to the 13th tool and click SELECT at least 8 times. Now ask the nickname changer to change the Koiking's nickname again. The monster will blink, the changer won't do it and you have Mew!

a translation for all of you that don't know Japanese:

To get Mew, go to Lavander Town and ask the nickname changer to change your Magikarp's nickname to Mew. Go into your items, go down to the 13th item and click SELECT at least 8 times. Now ask the nickname changer to change the Magikarp's nickname again. The monster will blink, the changer won't do it and you have Mew!

i will find more soon!

bored? i guess it's time you went home