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Each of us has a path
Our own destiny,
The hills and valleys
Test the worth of our seed vessel.
Friends, guide you
Along the trail
Always caring.
When flood gates open
A friend is there,
To offer a shoulder or
Just to hold on.

When the sun is high
And the flowers bloom
A Friend will be there
To share in your jubilation.
The road to the end
Has many friends,
Some lifelong,
Some casual.
But each friend in their own way
Touches the inner core
Leaves their mark
On the past, or for the future.
You are my friend
And the special place
Shared only by us
I give to the world to see
For the path would be lonely
Barren of hope,
And not worth the struggle
If it were not for friends.

Take my hand,

Walk with me to the light my friend

We will make it, we will, just you wait and see.

by M'Lady of love Bonnie Lee


If you like what you read drop me a line.

Copyright1999 M'Lady of Love Bonnie-Lee All Rights Reserved

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