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Infinite Life

Enduring Renewal + Aluren + Blood Pet + Throne of Bone
Sac Blood Pet for one black mana. Because of Enduring Renewal it comes back to your hand and because of Aluren
you can play it again for free. Play it and use the balck mana from its prior sacrifice to activate the Throne of Bone to
gain one life! Repeat as needed or desired!!

Enduring Renewal + Ashnod's Altar + Ornithopter/Phyrexian Walker + Stream of Life
Sac the 'Thopter or Walker to the Altar to get 2 colorless mana. Cast it again, and then sac it again. Repeat as needed
or desired. Use this mana to cast a Stream of Life as big as you would like!!

Infinite Damage

any 2 en-Kor creatures + Mogg Maniac + Furnace of Rath
With this combo out all you need to do is deal one damage to one of your en-Kor creatures and redirect it to back and
forth repeatedly. The Furnace doubles the damage each time it's bounced around so the points add up quickly... VERY
quickly. Starting with one damage from a fanatic, bouncing the damage 18 times before sending it to the maniac and then
your opponant adds up to 2,097,152 damage!!! And if you bounced it one more time it be 4,194,304!!!

Enduring Renewal + Ornithopter/Phyrexian Walker + Ashnod's Altar + Fireball
Repeatedly sac the 'Thopter/Walker to the Altar to power a huge Fireball.

Enduring Renewal + Aluren + Blood Pet + Drain Life
Sac the Blood Pet repeatedly re-casting it each time for free because of Aluren. You now have massive amounts of
black mana to cast a gigantic Drain Life!

Enduring Renewal + Goblin Bombardment + Shield Sphere
Sac the Shield Sphere to the Bombardment to do 1 point of damage, then play it and do it all over again.

Infinite/Infinite Creatures

Sliver Queen + Heartstone + Ashnod's Altar
Use the Heartstone to reduce the Queens ability to 1 mana. You can then sac each baby sliver for 2 mana. Now you can
get as many little baby slivers as you want for only 1 mana!! Imagine it with 4 Muscle Slivers in play.

Enduring Renewal + Ornithopter/Phyrexian Walker + Atog
Sac the 'Thopter/Walker to the Atog so he can get a power/toughness bonus, then cast the 'Thopter/Walker again and
sac it again. Repeat until your opponent's eyes bug out of his/her skull!

Enduring Renewal + Ornithopter/Phyrexian Walker + Fallen Angel
Sac the 'Thopter/Walker to the Fallen Angel so she can get a power/toughness bonus, then cast the 'Thopter/Walker
again and sac it again. Repeat until your opponent's eyes bug out of his/her skull!
Familiar Ground + Goblin War Drums
With this combo all of your creatures are unblockable.

Nekrataal + Dragon Mask
Whenever Nekrataal comes into play he scares one of the other creatures to death. Use the Dragon Mask on him,
though, and he comes back to your hand at the end of your turn so you can cast him again!

Uktabi Orangutan + Stampeding Wildebeasts
Artifacts are good...unless your opponent's got them. Turn the Wildebeasts upkeep into an advantage by returning the
Orangutan to your hand allowing you to cast him again and destroy another artifact!

Rogue Elephant + harvest Wurm
A 3/3 for one mana...GREAT! Oh, wait...bury a forest!?! That sucks!!! Cast the Wurm right after to get that forest
back. If you haven't played a land yet that turn you can put it back into play and you, basically, have a 3/3 and a 3/2 for
2 mana!

Shrieking Drake + Ball Lightning
It really sucks when your ball lightning dies at the end of your turn. But, if you cast a Shrieking Drake, its shrill cry chases
that orb of weakly ionized plasma back to your hand so you can cast it again.

Viashino Sandstalker + Dragon Mask
The Dragon Mask looks so scary that it even chases away the creature wearing it. The Viashino, however, never stick
around for long anyway, so send him out wearing the mask and it's penalty has no effect on your game.

Phyrexian Dreadnought + Unstable Shapeshifter
A 12/12 trampler for one mana doesn't sound bad, but the sacrifice really bites. with a Shapeshifter in play, though, you'll
get a 12/12 trampler even if you don't sacrifice the creatures.

Liege of the hollows + Burnt Offering
Squirrels are really blood thirsty creatures. Once the Liege kicks the bucket they come out of hiding to gnaw on her
bones. Well...if they're gonna eat her you may as well cook her first with a Burnt Offering (which also gives you extra
mana for squirrels!). Bon apetité!

Ogre Enforcer + Yare
Put Yare on the Enforcer and he can block 3 creatures with power 3 or less without getting a scratch on him.

Siren's Call + Propaganda + Armageddon + (some non-land source of blue mana)
During your turn cast Propaganda and Armageddon, but make sure you have a non-land source of blue mana ready.
During your opponents turn use the non-land source of blue mana to cast Siren's Call. All of their creatures must attack
or die but they can't attack unless their owners pay 2 for each one. Unfortunately for those poor creatures, their owners
no longer have any land to tap for mana!

Thalakos Seer + Teferi's Veil
Whenever the Seer leaves play you get to draw a card. Help him do that every turn with Teferi's Veil. Each time he
attacks he'll phase out at the end of combat, allowing you to draw another card!

Seismic Assault + Sleigh
Once you get to two or three mana on the board, you can simply hold on to your land.
Equilibrium + Blue Weenie
Gives blue weenie a tech weapon against superior speed decks.
Hatred + Black Weenie
Whether you go with four or just a couple, this could be a great way to end a game early.
Coat of Arms + Slivers
This makes all your slivers into Muscle Slivers and also works well with goblin, merfolk, or knight decks.
Catacysm + Empyrial Armor + Creature
Keep a huge armored up creature on the board to commence beatdown.
Treasure Trove + Vampire Hounds
Gives multiple advantages when drawing cards with the trove, such as pumping up the Hounds.
Song of Serenity + Creature Enchantments
You could use green and white's great creature enchantments on your creatures or just use them as pacifisms on
Theft of Dreams + Onslaught
Tap their creatures, making them lose blockers becoming vulnerable, and then draw cards from it.
Erratic Portal + Winter Orb
Extreme strain on mana for creature based, or just any deck with creatures.
Sylvan Library + Oath of Druids
Very beneficial: use the Sylvan to put a Gaea's on top to reshuffle your graveyard or just put a good creature on
top to get with the Oath.
Jackalope Herd + Wrath of God
Get in a Wrath and keep a powerful creature.
Any pinger + Curiosity + Mind over Matter
Ping your opponent, draw a card, discard a card to untap pinger.
Convalesence + Necropotence
A way to gain life from one of the most notorious life drains.

Null Brooch + Bottomless Pit+ Ensnaring Bridge
Like any good combo, getting any two of these out can be very beneficial. The Null Brooch and the Ensnaring
Bridge can stop creature attacks and counter everything else. With the Bottomless Pit, you have a virtual
Fervor + Onslaught
Very simple: overwhelming him in the early game and then when defenses come into play, continuing the
overwhelming at a faster rate (Fervor) and shutting down defenses (Onslaught).

Limited Resources + Reaping the Rewards + Oath of Leiges
Limit the land on both sides of the table, hurting control, and gain life for every other land in your hand. As a
bonus, you can pull more land out of your deck to use as ReapBait if you need, thinning the deck.

Oath of Druids + Licids
This works using Licids to achieve advantages such as dealing the opponent damage or preventing them from
attacking and when you have less creatures, as a result of transforming the Licids into enchantments, you can
pull out creatures from your deck such as Wall of Blossoms for protection and card advantage or fatties like
Sliver Queen or Rootbreaker Wurm.

Keeper of the Dead + Stronghold Assassin + Gravepact
Massive targeted removal. Assassin and Keeper work together and the Assassin and Gravepact work together
as usual for black decks.

Burgeoning + City of Traitors
Get fast mana with the city and not lose your ability to play land, can be especially useful early.

Merfolk Looter + Volrath's Shapeshifter
Discard a fatty and draw something useful in the process.

Thopter Squadron + Gravepact + Soul Warden
For two mana (with the entire combo out) you can make them sack a creature and you gain a life, just moving a
token from the Thopter into play and back. Very efficient combo and all three can be individually useful.

Merfolk Looter + Oath of Ghouls

Discard a creature card to draw a card and to return a creature card of your choice from the graveyard next

Null Brooch + Keeper of the Mind
Cycle through your deck for combo cards and play them while countering most threats.

Keeper of the Mind + Forbid
Keep bait for the buyback counterspell.

Pegasus Stampede + Oath of Leiges + Code of Arms
Practically make Muscle Slivers every turn and replenish your mana while thinning mana from your deck.

Equalibrium + Nekrataal A buyback terror.

Equalibrium + Wall of Blossoms
A buyback card drawing mechanism that is twice as affective as Whispers of the Muse

Equalibrium + Winter Orb

Slow there big guys down with manowaring weenies.

Mind over Matter + Keeper of the Mind + Tim
A type II version of the old Enduring Renewal Goblin Bombardment Shield Sphere combo except that you lose a
large portion of your deck, probabaly safe to play Gaea's Blessing with it.

Exultant Dragon + Oath of Leiges + Armageddon
The Oath gives a supply to the Dragon and the geddon seals there fate. Not only does the geddon work well
against almost every other deck type, but in this case, if they play a land they will get hurt badly.

Varchild's War-Raiders and Lost Order of Jarkeld
Give your opponent creatures, and watch your Lost Order of Jarkeld grow! Combine with Berserk or Bestial
Fury to really smash your opponent.

Power Artifact is one of my favorite cards. It has so many uses, such as:
Rocket Launcher, Shield of the Ages, Vexing Arcanix, Dragon Engine, Roterothopter, Clockwork creatures,
Ashnod's Cylix, Snow Fortress.

Word of Command and Jester's Mask
Cast Word of Command and then respond by using the Mask. Give your opponent the most destructive spell in
thier deck, then make them cast it on themselves.

Energy Arc
This is the supreme anti-attack card. If your opponent attacks, just untap all creatures that your don't block and
that will kill your defenders. Also works great with Prodigal Sorcerers.

Mishra's Groundbreaker, Maze of Ith, Consecrate Land.
Turn the Maze into a 3/3 creature, Consecrate it, and then wait for opponent to attack. Block one creature, then
Maze another. The Maze can't die, so it effectivly takes out two attacking creatures at no cost!

Farrel's Mantle and Bestial Fury
If the creature is blocked, it gets +4/+0 and trample, otherwise you can deal X+2 damage to any other creature,
where X is enchanted creature's power.

Memory Lapse and Helm of Obidience
Counterspell a tough creature, then take control of it.

Inferno, Justice, Reverse Damage
self-explanitory ;)

Storm Cauldren, Fastbond, Glacial Chasm.

Play a land, tap it for mana, and the Storm Cauldren brings it back into your hand. Play it again (taking 1
damage from Fastbond, but the Glacial Chasm absorbs this) and tap it for mana, etc... GET INFINITE MANA!
Remember, it says on Fastbond that it is "damage" and NOT "loss of life," so this does work!

Nether Void and 3 Stone Calendars
Nether Void makes all spells cost 3 more, while 3 Stone Calendars would make all spells cost 3 less. Watch as
your opponent(s) realizes that their spells will cost 3 more while yours won't. (Make sure to play the Stone
Calendars first)

First Turn Ball Lightning
Play a mountain. Pitch an Elvish Spirit Guide for 1 green, and use it to play a Tinder Wall. Sacrifice the Tinder
Wall for 2 red, tap the mountain for 1 more, and play a Ball Lightning.

Ifh-Biff Efreet and Spirit Link
The Efreet does 1 damage to all players and flying creatures for each green mana pumped into it, so just slap a
Spirit Link on it and watch your life grow! Even better, put a Green Ward on the Efreet to prevent the Efreet
killing itself!

Reveka, Wizard Savant and Instill Energy
Use the Instill Energy to untap Revake, thereby getting past it's untap cost. Or, wait until it untaps be itself, and
use it twice on a turn to kill those annoying 4/4 flyers.

First turn Mind Twist (without the Twist!)
1. Play a swamp, and cast 2 Dark Rituals
2. Mind Ravel yourself and discard a Nicol Bolas
3. Cast Shallow Grave, and attack with the Nicol Bolas
4. BAM! Seven points of damage and forces your opponent to discard his/her ENTIRE hand.

Chains of Mephistoples and two Teferi's Puzzle Boxes
No one will draw any cards. With the chains down they'll discard all but the first card they draw from the first
box, and then they'll discard that card draw a new one, and discard it, NO CARDS!!! Voila!

Underworld Dreams and Teferi's Puzzle Box
Massive damage. The Teferi's Puzzle Box makes a person discard their hand each turn and draw that number of
cards, and the Underworld Dreams makes them take 1 damage for each card drawn!

Brass Man and Veteran's Voice/Fire Whip
Since you can spend 1 mana to untap Brass Man during your upkeep (as many times as you want), stick
Veteran's Voice or Fire Whip on him, and pump up your creatures or do damage depending on the amount of
mana you wish to spend.

Aether Flash, Dingus Staff, Varchild's War-Raiders
Put the Aether Flash and Dingus Staff into play, then cast the War-Raiders. Watch as your opponent gets
creatures every turn - the Aether Storm then kills them, and the Dingus Staff does 2 damage to your opponent.
Very nasty combo!!

Marsh Viper and Fire Whip
Do 1 point of damage (not blockable) to your opponent, and he takes two poison counters. Just for fun, throw in
an Instill Energy or two and watch the poison ruin your opponent in a couple of turns.

Buried Alive and Living Death
Throw lots of nice big flying/trample creatures in your deck, put as many creatures in your graveyard as you can
then when bring 'em out. Get a Fervor out there so they wont be sick when you cast Living Death.

Lowland Basilisk and Fire Whip
You can tap the Basilisk to destroy any creature, add an instill energy and kill two a turn!

Swamp - Dark Ritual - Ornithopter - 2 Unholy Strength - Thrull Retainer A 5/5 flying creature on your first turn.

Icy Manipulator - Royal Assassin - Nettling Imp
Use the Icy to tap the creatures, use the Royal to kill them, and then use the Imp to force them to attack.

Juggernaut - Invisibility
It's a big unblockable creature.

Living Plane - Titania's Song - Tabernacle At Pendrell Vale
Use the Plane to change all lands into 1/1 creatures, and use the Song to turn all the artifacts into creatures,
then the Vale gives all creatures an upkeep cost of one. According to current rulings, a card doesn't do anything
until you pay upkeep. So, when your turn comes, you don't pay the upkeep on the Vale, and it goes to the
graveyard. The next step is obvious.

Binding Agony - Fire Covenant
Sacrifice life to do damage to a creature enchanted with Binding Agony, and the creatures controller recieves
the same amount of damage!

Malignant Growth - Black Vise - Miser's Cage - Millstone
Make opponent draw lots of cards each turn (taking damage from the Growth, Cage, and Vise), while depleting
his deck with the Millstone.

Black Vise - Braingeyser
During your turn, use the Geyser on your opponent for as much as possible. Put out the Black Vise, and when
your opponent goes, they lose major life.

Mystic Compass - Any creature with a landwalk
Cast the creature with any landwalk albility (ex. forestwalk). Then use Mystic Compass to turn one of your
opponent's land to the land of the landwalk ability of the creature (forest=forestwalk). For more fun add some
enchant creatures.

Funeral March - Treferi's Curse
Teferi's Curse gives any creature or artifact phasing. And Funeral march says something like "when creature
funeral march enchants leaves play that creatures controller must sacrifice another creature." Now phasing
by frying the enchanted creature, which removes it from play, and therefore kills another creature in the

Soldevi Digger - Bazaar of Wonders - Millstone
Cast the Bazaar of Wonders to remove the graveyards. Then cast the Soldevi Digger & the Millstone. Every time
you cast a spell that goes to the graveyard, use the digger to put it at the bottom of your library. Use the
Millstone to put your opponents cards in the graveyard. Eventually, they can't cast anything because of the
Bazaar of Wonders which counters any spell already in a players graveyard!

Orcish Cannoners - Spirit Link
You drain 2 life from them each turn, it will really start to piss them off.

Siren's Call - Festival
For 1 blue and 1 white mana, and two spells, you kill off every creature your opponent owns, not including
Mana Flare - Drain Power - Fireball - Braingeyser - Fork
Wait for opponent to be not tapped out, then drain power, fireball and fork for massive damage. Or Braingeyser
him/her for Massive card pick up then Vise(or run them out of cards).

Swamp - Dark Ritual - Elvish Spirit Guide - Erhnam Djinn
First turn speed combo.

Gravity Sphere - Eathquake - Mudslide
Holds creatures down and then kills them.

Fireball - Ersatz Gnomes
Make your spell colorless to avoid getting it Hydroblasted.

Atog - Enduring Renewal - Ornithopter
Atog gets very big very fast.

Krovikan Vampire - Sorceress Queen - Nettling Imp(or Norritt)
Force one of the opponents huge creatures to attack using the Nettling Imp, make it a 0/2 using the Sorceress
Queen, block with the Krovikan Vampire, and when your turn comes you have his creature on your side.

Prismatic Boon - Savage Twister
Tap enough mana to kill everything on the board with the Savage Twister and then use Prismatic Boon to give
your creatures protection from red or green and watch your opponent's creatures fry.

Minion of Leshrac - Circle of Protection: Black
Play a Minion of Leshrac and a C.O.P. Black. Now during your upkeep don't sacrafise the creature, instead
activate the prevent the five damage it deals you. Because the Minion of Leshrac says if Minion deals
damage to you this way destroy Minion. Since it dealt no damage, you'll keep it around alot longer.

Lord of the Pit - Breeding Pit
Generate creatures to feed to the Lord of the Pit.
Stalking Tiger - Goblin Wardrums
Since Stalking Tiger can only be blocked by one creature and with Goblin Wardrums your creatures can only be
blocked by 2 you will get 3 or more damage in each turn!

Energy Vortex - Artifact Mana - Winter Orb
Shut down the land mana production with the Orb, and stomp on your opponent for 3 damage per extra Artifact
Mana over your opponent. Of course, the deck built around this supports it more.

Crypt Rats - Spirit Link - Black Ward
Get tons of life while killing your opponent and their creatures.

Seasinger - Shadow Guildmage - Phantasmal Terrain
Give your opponent an Island with Phantasmal Terrain, steal one of his creatures, then put it on top of his
library with the Guildmage. Your opponent will never draw a new card!

Black Lotus - Island - Black Vise - Anscestral Recall
Put down the Island, cast Anscestral Recall on your opponent, cast the Lotus, sacrifice and cast the black Vise.
Major damage!

Blanket of Night - Roots of Life

You cast a Blanket of Night and then a Roots of Life set for swamps and every time your opponent taps a land
for mana you gain a life.

Enduring Renewal - Ahnod's Altar - Ornithopter - Fireball or Stream of Life
Play the Altar then cast Ornithopter. Next round play Enduring Renewal. Sacrifice the Ornithopter to the Altar
about 5 billion times and do 10 billion damage to your opponent or gain 10 billion life.

Maro - Library of Leng
Use the Library of Leng to get as many cards in your hand as you can, then play the Maro, and attack with it. It
Elemental Augury - Millstone
Use the Augury to look at their cards, then put the two best up top and use the Millstone to get rid of them.
Kormus Bell - Blanket of Night - Earthlink - Aeolipile - Dingus Egg
A combo to build a deck around: Lay down Aeolipile, Dingus Egg, Earthlink and Blanket of Night and wait until
you`re safe. Then cast Kormus Bell and Aeolipile one of opponent`s land. It will trigger the Dingus Egg and the
Earthlink, causing him to sacrifice another land, over and over again.

Nekrataal - Dragon Mask
Pull out Nekrataal, destroy one of their creatures, then use Dragon Mask, at the end of your turn, Nekrataal is
put back into your hand so you pull it out again, destroy one of their creatures and do this over and over.

Ashnod's Altar - 4 Nether Shadows - Initiates of the Ebon Hand - Drain Life
Just keep sacrificing and getting back the Nether Shadows, send all the colorless mana (unlimited at that)
through the Initiates and Drain Life the hell out of your opponent, works well with Brain Geyser and all of those
other cards too.
Lich - Mirror Universe
Play the Lich, and the use the Mirror Universe. Your opponent will get your 0 life and you will get you
opponent's life.

Hoar Shade - 2 Unholy Strengths - At Least 5 Swamps
Put Swamps down, play Hoar Shade and one Unholy Strength, next turn put other Unholy Strength, tap 4
Swamps, and attack.

Jokulahaups - Iceberg
Clear the board of all the land creatures and artifacts while still keeping whatever amount of colorless mana
you had on the Iceberg. Works good with a Mana Prism.

2 Nekrataals - Hell's Caretaker
You can keep bringing out the Nekrataal on each turn and keep killing off there creatures.

Zuran Orb - Dingus Egg - Armageddon - Reverse Polarity
You have your Zuran Orb and your Dingus Egg out, then use an Armageddon to get rid off everyone's land and
deal tons of damage to them with your Dingus Egg, then use Reverse Polarity (if you added more mana to your
mana pool before the Armageddon) and you end up gaining 4 life for each land put into your graveyard!

Minion of the Wastes - Worthy Cause
Make your Minion a 15/15 and attack then get your investment back with Worthy Cause.

Intuition - Bösium Strip
Play the Intution to get 3 good instants, sorceries, or interrupts. Then play the one you want. The other two go
to the top of your graveyard. Then use the Bösium Strip to play the cards from the graveyard.

Necropotence - Cadaverous Bloom - Drain Life
Use the Necro to get a ton of cards in your hand, then when you have enough, use the Bloom, and cast a giant
Drain Life. Good for a quick kill.

Ankh of Mishra - Land's Edge
You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't!

Political Trickery - Rainbow Vale
Give him the Vale, while you take his Thawing Glaciers or Outpost!

Venom - Any Poison Counter Creature
Put your opponent in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.

Altar of Dementia - Soulshriek - Endless Scream - Howl from Beyond
Put down the Altar and Endless Scream one of your creatures. When you have lots of creatures in your
graveyard do a Soulshriek and Howl from Beyond and they are almost screwed! Shove in some Howling Mines,
Prosperity, Millstones and Grindstones and they are dead.

Disturbed Burial - Buried Alive
You get your best creatures in your hand for hardly anything.

Zur's Weirding - Library of Leng - Ivory Tower
You can force your opponent to discard the card he draws but he can't make you discard!

Wellspring - Disenchant - Regrowth
Gain control of an opponents land and Disenchant the Wellspring to keep control of the land forever (or at least
'till he does something). Then Regrowth and do it all over again.

Well of Knowledge - Cadaverous Bloom

In another words, this is a type 2 Demonic Tutor for your whole hand. During you draw phase discard a card
you don't like for 2 mana, then draw a card with Well of Knowledge and repeat until you have all cards you need
in your hand.

Dark Banishing - Dance of the Dead
Kill his biggest creature then take it over with Dance of the Dead with +1/+1. Will work the same with other
forms of killing his creature but this is probably one of the most effective.

Lure - Venom - Any Creature
Attack once when opponent's creatures are untapped, they have to block that creature with the Lure, and all of
your opponent's creatures die because of the Venom.

Norritt - Master Decoy
Cast the Norritt and then the Master Decoy. Use the Master Decoy to tap a target creature during the
opponent's upkeep and then force it to attack with the Norritt...of course it can't, so it's destroyed!

Bogardan Phoenix - Capsize
This a fun combo because your Phoenix always returns to do battle. Watch out for Lightning Bolts and

Vhati il-Dal - Searing Touch - Nature's Chosen
Make a creature toughness 1 and kill it with the Touch. Then do it again with Nature's Chosen.

Elven Warhounds - Magnetic Web - Lure - Armageddon
Put the Lure on the Hounds, 'geddon, then attack with the Hounds to put all your opponents creatures on top of his library.

Enduring Renewal - Goblin Bombardment - Ornithopter

Enduring Renewal makes any creature that goes from play to the graveyard straight into your hand, and if you
have an Ornithopter out, you sacrifice it to deal one damage to opponent by way of the Goblin Bombardment,
bring the card into your hand, play the card right back out for no mana, and keep dealing damage to your
opponent over and over until he dies.

Furnace of Rath - Mana Flare - Lava Burst
Furnace of Rath will double all damage done to anyone, then the Mana Flare will add 2X the mana to your pool,
so next turn you use Lava Burst. If your opponet has 20 life you only need to tap 6 mountains to kill em!

Preacher - Worthy Cause
You use the Preacher to take a creature and then sacrifice it to the Worthy Cause to gain life. Kill all your
opponents creatures and still gain life!

Nature's Revolt - Humility - Simoon
Cast a Nature's Revolt (keep some land tapped for the other cards) then cast a Humility to make all lands and
creatures 1/1s and then Simoon all his creatures. Go in for the kill!

Drain Life - Reverse Damage
First make sure you have enough lands to make a big Drain Life and still be able to Reverse Damage. Then cast
Drain Life on yourself. The Drain Life will do damage then give you life back (life equal to the damage). Then
cast Reverse Damage giving you life equal to the damage the Drain Life caused. The final effect is that you get
what you paid for the Drain (if you paid 13 black mana extra you gain 13 life). This combo is great if you are
running low on life.

Kjeldoran Frostbeast - Lure
Cast the two cards, put Lure on the Frostbeast, attack, and all of their creatures are dead!

Dragon Mask - Aboroth
Play Dragon Mask and Aboroth so when the Aboroth gets down to a low power/toughness return it to your hand
and play it again by using the Mask.

Time Vault - Meditate
Skip a turn, then take another turn right after with 4 more cards in your hand by using the Vault.

Serpent Generator - Runed Arch
Make about 10 to 12 snakes then cast the Arch and make them unblockable! Death by poison. Make sure to
make a couple extra snakes

  • But there's more!!
  • megrim w/ abyssal spector w/ cloak of mist-double the spector's damage (sent by
  • Reins of Power w/ Brand
  • Tolarian Acadamy w/ Mind Over Matter-- a restricted combo
  • Shocker w/ Firewhip w/ Megrim-- opponent discards hand and takes damage
  • Spirit Link w/ Mogg Maniac w/ Fire Covenant
  • Megrim w/ Abandon Hope w/ Black Vise
  • recycle w/ island sanctuary
  • Zuran Orb w/ Balance-- this is why the balance is restricted,sac land for life gain and destroy opponent's land
  • Furnace of Rath w/ Wall of Souls
  • Candelabra of Tawnos w/ Mana Flare: untap double the amount of land
  • Goblin Bombarment w/ Reins of Power-- take control of opponent's creatures and sac them to hurt opponent
  • Argothian Wurm w/ Catastrophe
  • Acadmey Researchers w/ Zephid's Embrace
  • Attunement w/ Victimize
  • Worship w/ Argothian Enchantress or Cystalline Sliver
  • Reprocess w/ Planar Birth
  • Angelic Chorus w/ Wall of Junk-- seven life every time it blocks and is brought into play
  • Rememberance w/ Serra Avatar-- bring it back when it is shuffled into your deck
  • Autumn Willow w/ Spinal Graft-- spinal graft can't target willow
  • Harrow w/ Hidden Stag
  • Douse w/ Whim of Volrath
  • Darkest Hour w/ Light of Day-- no creatures attack or block
  • Living Death w/ Urborg Justice
  • Living Death w/ No Rest for the Wicked-- bring your dead creatures back and the one's you sacrificed
  • Peacekeeper w/ Meditate
  • Hecatomb w/ Sengir Autocrat
  • dwarven warrior w/ small creature w/ hatred-- make creature unblockable and sac enough life to kill opponent
  • maro w/ yawgmoth's bargain-- attack with maro, if it goes unblocked sac life to kill opponent
  • altar of dementia w/ pereguine drake w/ corpse dance
  • Thran Forge w/ Aladdin
  • Well of Knowledge w/ Icy Manipulator or Elder Druid
  • Ball Lightning w/ Vodallian Illusionist-- a ball lightning every other turn
  • Serrated Biskelion w/ Obelisk of Undoing or Time Elemental or Puppet Master
  • Xanthic Statue or Jade Statue or Chimeric Sphere w/ Wrath of God
  • Familiar Ground w/ Goblin War Drums-- creatures are unblockable
  • Call of the Wild w/ Orcish Spy or Wand of Denial
  • Stampeding Wildebeasts w/ Pyknite
  • Anvil of Borgarden w/ Library of Leng
  • Juju Bubble w/ Arboria
  • Lich w/ Mirror Universe-- give your opponent 0 life for their life
  • Aku Djinn w/ Harbinger of Night
  • Blanket of Night w/ Nightmare or Angry Mob-- pump up the creature by making swamps
  • Blanket of Night w/ Infernal Harvest
  • Ball Lightning w/ Vanishing
  • North Star w/ Ritual of Subdual
  • Al-abara's Carpet w/ Gravity Sphere or Mystic Decree
  • Time Vault w/ Final Fortune
  • Gate of Phyrexia w/ Breeding Pit
  • Chaos Lord or Chaos Moon w/ Goblin Warrens
  • Afiya Grove w/ Time Elemental or Obelisk of Undoing or Skull of Orm
  • Festival w/ Siren's Call
  • Goblin Tinker w/ Artifact Ward
  • Maro w/ Library of Leng w/ Braingeyser-- make your hand grow to pump up Maro
  • Mindbender Spores w/ Regeneration
  • Erhnam Djinn w/ Deadfall
  • Anarchy w/ Heaven's Gate
  • Touch of Darkness w/ Clense-- like a wrath of god
  • Martyrs of Korlis w/ Artifact Ward
  • Kormus Bell w/ Mind Bend w/ Cursed Totem w/ Icy Manipulator
  • Elvish Farmer w/ Saprolings w/ Asmira, Holy Avenger
  • Gargantuan Gorilla w/ Living Lands w/ Forest w/ Enduring Renewal-- renewal returns "living lands" to your hand,play land and sac for gorilla
  • Taniwha w/ Balance-- wait for your all lands to phase out then cast balance to wipe out opponents lands
  • Brass Man w/ Veteran's Voice w/ other creature
  • Moat w/ Gravity Sphere or Island Sanctuary w/ Mystic Decree-- no creatures may attack
  • Ali from Cairo w/ Jade Monolith or Mystic Veil-- keep Ali from being targeted and killed
  • Funeral March w/ Teferi's Curse (play on opponent's creatures)
  • Hell's Caretaker w/ 2 Rukh Eggs -- sac eggs to make a 4/4 a turn
  • Hell's Caretaker w/ Breeding Pit - like a Resurection
  • Hell's Caretaker w/ Breeding Pit w/ Daring Apprentice - counterspell every other turn
  • Hell's Caretaker w/ 2 Blazing Effigies-- 3 damage to a creature a turn
  • Hell's Caretaker w/ Enduring Renewal-- bring all your creatures out of the graveyard
  • Hell's Caretaker w/ Ivory Gargoyle
  • Humility w/ Orim's Prayer-- gain 1 life for every 1/1 creature that attacks you
  • Helm of Obedience w/ Orcish Spy
  • Sand Silos or Blue Mana Battery w/ Spiny Starfish and Weakness
  • Heaven's Gate w/ Martyr's Cry
  • Glyph of Destruction w/ wall of power 2 or more w/ Flash for Phyrexian Dreadnought-- low cost fast way to get in dreadnought
  • beast of the burden w/ breeding pit (
  • Worship w/ Field of Souls w/ Lifeline w/ 2x Creatures-- never lose life (
  • mana flare w/ Douse w/ slight of mind-- counterspell for any color and 1 island (
  • horseshoe crab w/ archery training w/ spirit link (
  • wrath of god w/ jackalope herd-- creatures die but herd goes to hand (
  • Black Vise w/ Cursed Rack-- opponent is damaged and discards if over 4 (
  • thicket basilisk w/ lure w/ regeneration-- destroy all of the opponents creatures and keep basilisk alive (
  • charging rhino w/ imposing visage- unblockable (sent by
  • aether flash w/ death pits of rath-- every creature dies when it comes into play (sent by
  • living lands w/ aether flash w/ wrath of god-- kill all lands and creatures (sent by
  • Phyrexian Colossus w/ Voltaic's Key-- don't lose life,spend mana
  • Aladdin or Magus of the Unseen w/ Yawgmoth Demon-- steal opponent's artifacts to feed your demon
  • Aladdin or Magus of the Unseen w/ Atog-- same as above
  • Sindbad w/ Library of Leng
  • Sindbad w/ Orcish Spy or wand of Denial
  • Winter Orb w/ Icy Manipulator-- tap opponents land
  • Island Sanctuary w/ Howling Mine w/ Icy Manipulator
  • Millstone w/ Orcish Spy
  • El-hajjaj w/ Soul Kiss
  • Chaos Lord w/ Spirit Link-- gain 7 seven life even if he damages you
  • Reset w/ Winter Orb
  • Rod of Ruin w/ Giant Shark
  • Boomerang or Urza's Bauble w/ Nebachanezzar
  • Bog Man w/ Nebachanezzar-- look at opponent's hand and then name cards
  • Whirling Dervish w/ Slight of Mind
  • Goblin Chirgeon w/ Goblin Warrens
  • Any non-upkeep legend or card you can't play because you don't have the land w/ Animate Dead-- multi-color for only 2 black
  • Fallen Angel w/ Nether Shadows-- sac the shadow to pump up angel and the shadow comes back
  • Preacher w/ Diamond Valley
  • Chandler w/ Xenic Poltergeist
  • Forcefield w/ Shield of the Ages or Orim's Prayer-- prevent all but 1 damage and gain 1 life
  • Urza's Lands w/ Homeland "Quad" lands
  • Brainstorm or Visions or Diabolic Vision w/ Sindbad or Petra Sphinx or Vexing Arcanix
  • Erhnam Djinn w/ Scarwood Hag-- remove forestwalk ability
  • Sorceress Queen w/ Transmutation-- 0/2 becomes 2/0
  • Phyrexian Gremlins w/ Artifact Possession
  • Wittigo w/ Regeneration w/ Lure
  • Thick Basilisk w/ Lure w/ Fog-- no damage dealt to basilisk but all creatures have to block it and die
  • Cockatrice w/ Fog w/ Blaze of Glory-- cocktrice blocks and kills all creatures but doesn't die
  • Sorceress Queen w/ Sengir Vampire-- pump up the vampire with easy kill
  • Ali from Cairo w/ Spectral Shield
  • Serrated Arrows w/ Sage of Lat Nam
  • Ball Lighting w/ Barbarian Guides
  • Dwarven Weaponsmith w/ the Hive
  • Dance of Many w/ Tempest Effreet (only for ante)
  • Ashnod's Transmogrant w/ Dentonate
  • AEther Storm w/ Dance of the Dead or Animate Dead
  • Drain Power w/ Fireball,etc.-- kill opponent with own mana plus yours
  • The Wretched w/ Lure w/ Gaseous Form (NICE!)-- gain control of all their creatures
  • Shimmian Nightstalker or Veteran Bodyguard w/ Regeneration or Gaseous Form-- all damage redirected to undamageable source
  • Blaze of Glory w/ Abu Jaffar w/ Flight-- same as cockatrice combo
  • Argivian Archeologist w/ Jester's Mask or Jester's Cap or Choas Orb-- reuse those wonderful sac artifacts
  • Deathgrip w/ Lifelace-- make target spell green and counter it
  • Lifeforce w/ Deathlace-- opposite of above
  • Sea Troll w/ Thoughtlace
  • Erhnam Djinn w/ no forests in play, summon with other green mana producers-- forestwalk can't hurt you
  • Island Sanctuary w/ Mystic Decree w/ COP Red w/ Howling Mine
  • Blaze of Glory on wall w/ Glyph of Life
  • Feast of the Unicorn w/ Elvish Archers
  • mogg fanatic w/ binding agony w/ fire covanent
  • sol ring w/ cop: artifact w/ armageddon clock-- clock can't hurt you and you don't tap lands
  • ivory tower w/ howling mine w/ library of leng
  • underworld dreams w/ chains of mephistopheles w/ ancestral recall-- force opponent to draw and discard three cards and take three damage
  • Survival of the fittest w/ Recurring nightmare
  • Life line w/ Radiant's dragoons w/ Avalanche riders and/or Bone-shreader
  • grafted skullcap w/ ensnaring bridge