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Nanaimo Flying Club's First 50 Years

1946 -- 1996

By Irma Erhart

H.B. "Bus" Matthews


The beginning of the Nanaimo Flying Club started in the head of H.B. "Bus" Matthews, a R.C.A.F. Flight Lieutenant of the 2nd world war. During the summer of 1945, shortly after his return to Nanaimo, he, his wife Mary, a friend Bill Power and Bill's wife were inspecting the landing strip at Cassidy near Nanaimo when "Bus" came up with the idea. The paved runway had been built during the war by the military in 1942 and was used to train glider pilots. Now it was abandoned. Why not use it to train civilians how to fly???

"Bus" took his idea to business friends. They liked it and supported "Bus". This would be the first civilian flying club on the island! A non-profit organization to promote flying. The best evidence of how "Bus" planned, and formed the club can be found in the articles that were published in the Nanaimo Free Press during 1945 and 1946.

Once "Bus" had the interest of the general public, he sought approval from both, Nanaimo and Ladysmith councils that land was available at the Cassidy Airport for such a project. Next, was to secure members, elect officers, and proceed with legalities of obtaining a federal charter, and purchasing aircraft.

Newspaper clippings reveal that the club was first referred to, as Nanaimo and Upper Island Flying Club. This was the name chosen and used on the application for Letters Patent. Membership fees were $25.oo with annual dues of $10.00 to join the newly formed club.

The first officers of the club were President, Frank Honey; Vice President, Dr. Larry Giovando; Secretary, Bob Stacy. Directors were: H.B."Bus" Matthews; Bill Powers; Norman Corfield and Jack Bateman and these are the names that appeared on the application for the Letters Patent. The Nanaimo Flying Club name was accepted in a letter dated 10 of December 1945. Draft form of Letter Patent was drawn up on 13 of January, 1946, entered into register, 4 of February, 1946 and recorded in Ottawa 6 of February, 1946, by the Honorable James Joseph McCann, Acting Secretary of State of Canada. The Nanaimo Flying Club had it's Federal Charter!

Nothing much was left at the Cassidy Airport after the military had left. There was the original farmhouse and barns, another house, a pump house, and a 3-seater outhouse.

The club members moved one of the homes a little north of midway and closer to the tarmac. This would be the Club House. They renovated it, putting in electricity and bathroom facilities. They had a caffee bar in it and later sold coffee and doughnuts, etc. on weekends. This added a few pennies to the club's coffer. When Queen Charlotte Airlines was established and began flying out of Nanaimo, later in 1946, a portion was leased to them.

Harry McCracken, an ex-airforce pilot, and maintenance engineer of World War 2, was asked to instruct single engine for the newly formed Nanaimo Flying Club. During the war Harry was a flying instructor that was sent to England and trained as a heavy bomber pilot.

Airforce pilots who had been taught during the war required two hours in civilian aircraft and had to pass an exam before they would qualify for their private pilot's license. These licenses were not issued until January 1946. Although Harry already had consented to being " on salary" for the Nanaimo Flying Club as instructor on the single engine aircraft and he would do the maintenance on the club's aircraft, he did not receive his private license until the first club aircraft arrived.

Two Tiger Moths, CF-CHZ and CF-CIL originally were air force aircraft and had been at Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Norm Corfield financed their purchase and the club paid his loan. The planes were in Vancouver before coming to Nanaimo. They cost $1,500.00 used eight gallons of fuel per hour and one and a quarter quarts of oil. Sometimes the aircraft ran out of oil before fuel. The club members converted the old barn on the airport, and this is where they hangered the aircraft. Rates to fly the Tiger Moths were: $8.00 solo; and $12.00 duel. The club advertised scenic flights and many people experienced their first flight in a club aircraft during 1946.

Until Harry got his license, another young ex-air force pilot, Bruce Tait, who already received his civilian license , would take the first few people up for joy rides for the club. Bruce went off to university the fall of 1946 and did not become a club member until 1989. Bruce has rebuilt a Tiger Moth, and has it hangered at the Nanaimo airport to this day.

Harry's logbook reveals his first flight recorded in the club's Tiger Moth, was March 17, 1946. Harry would be with the club for the next 7 years until 1953. First on salary, then he purchased the two Tiger Moths from the club and managed the club business of instructing by himself, he also did the maintenance.

The Tiger Moths were sold in 1947, and replaced by 2 Cessna 140s. Harry sold these in 1953 before leaving Nanaimo to fly for West Coast Air in Vancouver for 14 years.

After Harry moved to Vancouver, "Bus" Matthews was involved with getting the club back on track. He and Fred Vey went over to Vancouver and made arrangements to purchase a Cessna 120, CF-ECP, which cost $2200.00. Later two Luscombes' were purchased ,CF-IDT, and CF-DRO, which the club had for about five years.

It is doubtful if membership ever reached 50 members during this era. By 1959 it had dwindled to about a dozen. When the aircraft was involved in an accident, it was decided that the club would disperse. The club house was removed to the auto wrecker's property just south of the airport. This is how the Club ended the era of the 1950s.

The Club was resurrected in 1966 when 8 local enthusiasts got together and bought a Money CF-VEL . The Club went very good. They got box 6 at the post office (still have it) and a ESSO credit card. But to expand the membership, they started an association membership. VEL went to William's Lake in 1969 but a few years later it was brought back and stayed here until it was landed gear up and sold in 1989.

Minutes indicate that November 28, 1968 was the beginning of the Nanaimo Flying Club that exists today, although it was not until the January 23, 1969 minutes that it was reported "That the Nanaimo Flying Club Association has taken over the Charter and is now known as the Nanaimo Flying Club". March 6, 1969 minutes reveal "That the legalities concerning the charter are now complete".

During this time the meetings of the Club were held at the Queen's Hotel in Nanaimo. The first meeting in November 1968 had 11 member present and 3 guests. It was at the 2nd meeting on December 19, 1968 that the SUSTAINING MEMBERSHIP FEE was set a $50.00 and a yearly membership fee of $12.00. The sustaining membership rate increased in January 1, 1970 to $100.00 but lowered again to $50.00 when very few were joining the Club. It remained that way until 1979 when it was again increased to $100.00. Increased again in 1991 to $250.00 where it remains today in 1998. Annual membership fees gradually increased and are now $60.00 plus the dreaded GST.

Construction of a hanger was started in the fall of 1969 using material that was obtained from demolished buildings, donated material, good deals and lots of volunteer labor. By the spring of 1971, half of the hanger was completed and leased out to Lake Air's engineer.

Once the engineer's portion of the hanger was completed a couple of members prepaid inside hanger parking so cement could be purchased and poured in the club's portion of the hanger. Later, a bathroom was erected in the corner, under the stair well leading to the club room upstairs.

The club room was only a shell in 1972. For over a year meetings were held at the homes of the president or vice president. The first meeting was held in the upstairs club room in May of 1973. No flooring, just plywood. Flooring was later donated and installed by Norm Graham. The furniture was all donated too. A donated furnace was installed in the fall of 1973. In due course other furnishings were added and many a good party was held upstairs, besides the monthly meetings and a satellite school during the summer of 1976.

By then it got pretty crowded up stairs, so a motion was passed in May 1976 to start construction of an addition to the hanger underneath the sun deck. This rose slowly and wasn't useable until September 1979 when our first meeting and party was held. This room was large and eventually had a kitchen area with cupboards, bathroom, fireplace, pool table, and shuffle board. In 1986 an extension of 25 ft. was started to the north and now that is where the club's meetings are held.

We members of today can be thankful for what was done these past 50 years. For if it were not for the visions and actions of the Club's founding member "Bus" Matthews, nor for those that persevered during the "fifties" until completely discouraged, or those that revived the Club in the "sixties", and those in the "eighties" that continued on, all for the sake of "FLYING" and the Nanaimo Flying Club. We, in the "nineties" are enjoying the fruits of all those volunteers that went before us. May we show our gratitude by working hard and continuing on, as we celebrate the 50th year of the Nanaimo Flying Club Charter.


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