Duarte, John W. In Honorem Ioanni Doulandi op.97 (n.s.107) This work, written for and premiered by Alan Rinehart, is a challenging set of variations and a fantasia based on John Dowland's Melancholy Galliard with references to other of Dowland's lute works throughout. @ 12 minutes $13.50
Gibson, Richard Cantilena (n.s.111) Written in 1984 for Michel Cardin, Cantilena is an extended work using the full palette of guitar colours to create a symphonic effect. @ 15 minutes $14.00
Feingold, David Three Etudes (n.s. 112) Well known West Coast performer and composer presents three short studies in an appealing contemporary format. @ 6 minutes $8.00
Holborne, Anthony Prelude and Fantasia (n.s. 109) Two Elizabethan works for the bandora, a metal strung cousin of the lute, filled with interesting counterpoint and textural change. @ 4 minutes $5.00
Locatelli, Pietro Variations (n.s. 108) (transcribed for lute by J.B. Hagen (1720-1787) A theme and four variations by one of the high Baroque period's finest violinists in a transcription by a well known lutenist from the generation after Weiss. @ 8 minutes $7.00 |