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STORY PAGE: Stories to share with your parents.

THE SILLY SISTERS (age level - about 4-6)

Activity: BE AN ILLUSTRATOR: Ask an adult to print this story with the printer. Then ask the adult to help you draw pictures to go with the story.

Susanna liked going to play at Abbie's house. And Abbie liked going to play with Susanna. She liked Susanna's toy castle with knights. She liked Susanna's toy barn. But most of all, she liked playing with Susanna's baby brother, Jacob.

Jacob was little. He had a cute toothless grin. Jacob couldn't walk or talk yet. But he could listen.

One day, the two friends played at Susanna's house. They had been playing with the toy castle for a long time. The knights had fought battles and ridden on a flying dragon. They had defended the animals in the toy barn from a wicked giant. They were starting to get bored.

"I'm tired of playing with the knights' castle," said Abbie. "Let's go up to your room. Then we can find more toys to play with."

"We can't go upstairs now," said Susanna. "Baby Jacob is sleeping."

"Let's go up, anyway," Abbie whispered. "We'll be very quiet. We won't make a sound."

"O.K.," said Susanna.

And that's what the friends did. They walked upstairs very quietly. Quietly so they would not wake up baby Jacob. Quietly so Susanna's mom wouldn't hear them, and get mad at them for going upstairs. So quietly that they heard a noise in the baby's room.


"Jacob is awake!" Susanna whsipered.

They heard the sound again.


The two friends peeked into the baby's room. Jacob was awake. he was playing with his crib toys - CLICK...CLICK...CLICK

Soon, Baby Jacob started to whine. Susanna's mom got him out of his crib. She changed his diaper. She gave him milk. She took him out on the porch and held him on her lap. She rocked him. The baby was still whining.

Susanna and Abby went out to the porch with her.

"Can we play with him?" Abbie asked.

"Jacob is having quiet time now," said Susanna's mom. "Rocking. But you can rock with us if you'd like."

The two girls sat with Mom and Jacob on the porch swing. They all rocked together. The baby was still whining.

"Why is he so grumpy?" Abbie asked.

"I don't know," Mom said.

Susanna and Abbie tried to make Jacob smile. They talked to him in their nicest voices. They made their sillies faces. The baby was still whining. "Your brother sure is noisy," said Abbie. But she still liked to be with him. "Can I be his sister when I'm at your house?"


The girls made a few more silly faces at Jacob.

"You're pretty silly sisters if you ask me." Mom laughed.

"Silly sisters," said Abbie. That gave her an idea. "Baby, do you want to hear a silly secret?"

Abbie whispered into Jacob's ear, but Susanna could hear: "You are a giant baby chicken."

The two girls laughed hard. Jacob stopped whining.

Then Susanna whispered a silly secret to her baby brother: "You are a giant baby rhinoceros. With bananas in your ears."

The girls laughed again. They laughed for a long time.

"You are a pink dinosaur," Abbie said, "with bugs in your ears."

"You are an enormous purple duck with noodles in your nose," said Susanna.

The girls laughed and laughed. They looked at Baby Jacob.

Susanna smiled. "Look! He's happy!"

Jacob was not whining now. He had a big smile on his face. He got excited. He got so excited his arms wiggled and his feet jiggled and he giggled. Susanna's mom was happy, too.

The two silly sisters kissed the baby goodbye and went upstairs to play.


"The Silly Sisters" copyright 1999 by Stephanie Ward