This map is the record of my first win against Voyager, he of the 1000 nukes on regs. Voyager had the map in this one, but his planets were all far away to the west. Instead of exploring south when he reached 18,18 and 18,19, he instead continued straight west, finding his other planets, but allowing me to pop trick with Orion, Farm Planet, Gateway, and South of Orion. After I discovered his builder to the north of mine, I quickly moved to West of Orion and re-tricked that planet. For some reason, Voyager tried to build tech this game, and left his builders at 18,18 and 17,18 empty. He ended turn first one update, and I quickly built a large fleet at Orion. I had a 2-point econ lead from my big pop trick, and I was careful to overbuild to the point where he could not possibly match. After nuking his two builders, Voyager conceded the game. This was my first really big win over an established player. I was 3-13 in clanwars at the time, but with newfound confidence I won my next 12 in a row.