The REAL Mystery Men
The Shoveler is my name and I'd like to tell you who the Mystery Men really are
The real Mystery Men
- Kevin Wallingford - The Shoveler - God gave me a gift, I shovel well.
- Gabe Vicente - Mr. Furious - A time bomb that will blow up on anyone.
- Kyle Kalleitner - Invisible Boy - Only invisible when nobody watchs him
- The Spleen - Kyle Bryan - The smell of his farts can kill anyone
- The Bowler - Veronica Shim - Her father is in the ball that she uses as a weapon.
- Blue Rahjah - Sara Choo - Fork throwing expert
- The Sphynx - ??? - He is so mysterious we don't know who he is
- The Waffler - Ryan Kelly - With his waffle iron of justice...WHO CARES!