Everyone, This is my Love Andrea, Since She's stole a pic from my website I felt it only fair that I steal one from her's & place it on my page. I know you won't mind... Right babe?
I've known Andrea from Back in Febuary, When I first saw Andrea, She was at the Breadgarden with her Friend Laura. I knew right away, I felt it in my chest that This was a girl that I had to get to know better. She just felt so very Right. We knew eachother as friends for quite some time thru then, We talked on the phone alot, went out a few times as friends & soon we were seeing eachother almost every day for weeks at a strech. In June we started to formaly go out, & still are.
I still get that Fealing of "Rightness" every time I see her.
Andrea is a very ambitious young lady she sets her goals higher than most would like to think about & Expects a level of performance out of herself that is quite stagering. Even thought she would opening denigh that statement, I know it to be very true. She's very task oreinted & knows what she has to do & wastes no time in doing it.
She's so very repsectfull of the people around her & cares for their needs & emotions carefully. Andrea always seems to know where she stands on issues. She has great Character & always stays to her word to the very best she can.
She is trully a Gem in this world & I feal Honoured to be the object of her Affections.
Learn More about Andrea
Many Pics of Her & Myself, can be found on her webpage! Do take a look.