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All gaze upon the Man that is Darryl, pictured here cropped out of a family photo, I have to appologize now for the lack of quality photos of Darryl on this page, I am working to remedy that now.

Since Darryl is my Cousin I've known him my entire life but we really didn't start hanging out together untill about 4 years ago when he turned 15. Since then we've become alot more than just Cousin's. We are like best of buds now. Darryl has always been advanced maturity wise from others his age & even thought we had an age gap he fit in perfectly with us. I remeber some of the interesting problems that caused when we wanted to go on overnite offroading trips & what not a long way from home when he was 15 & we were 19.

Darryl also has an older brother named Lawrence, he also has a posting on this site, who moved to UBC (University of British Columbia), as well as a younger brother named Richard who is attending Semiamahoo Secondary School. He is in grade 11.

Right now Darryl is attending Douglas College studying Phyisical Education, with asperations to be a teacher. His entire life Darryl has been an athlete, from an early age Darryl played Soccer & Baseball. To this day he still plays. As well as he's picked up rugby & now plays with the bigboys in the beer leages.

Darryls an awsome guy, he's amazingly considerate & the very most trustworth reliable guy I know, he is the most loyal friend & has always been there for me. Never, ever has he ever betrayed my trust or let me down.

Darryl at a glance

Contacting Darryl
