Meet Desmond (the Asian dude in the forground, I'm the
one in the background.
Dez is one of my very closest buds me & him basically did
our time in High School together. I've known him since
grade 9 IDP (Introductory Data Processing) class with our
Apple IIgs's & 286's. Dez is a Very abitious guy
with goals that'll blow your wildest dreams away he's
continuously Positive & Up lifting to all those around
him & leaves a deep impression on every person he meets
,especially the women. ;-)
I could never say enough good things about this guy.
Over the years me & Dez have prity much grown to be an
inseperable team. Dez & Myself share every intrest in
common everything... but differ on our veiw of things
in just about everyway. Making us the ultimate Dynamic
Duo! hehe... Desmond has taught me an Amazing amout of
things... Both good & bad... but for legal reasons I
don't think we should get into that... JK!
Like I said, Dez & myself share an incredable amout of
common intrests that include, Snowboarding, Flying,
Music (althought our tastes differ slightly), Self Employment,
Women, Offroading, High Performance Racing, Sport Compacts,
Religion... The list goes on.
I think I know Dez well enuf to venture that his
greatest intrest has to be Flying, through his entire
life he has been talking about flighing fighter jets.
Dez is now a Commercial Piolet & Capable
of flying many kinds of small aircraft. He's also been
accepted into the American Air Force, with a position
for training in Fighter Jets.
Right now dez is working for a huge company in Vancouver called Imperial Parking, & no, he is not one of those strange men that sit in the little both & hand out tickets & get some kinda weird power trip from opening the little gates to let you into the building parking lot... I digress... LOL... He's Assistant Manager of Valet operations in GVRD (Greater Vancouver Regional District) So prity much anytime you see let a valet park your car... he works for Dez. So if it gets Dinged... Feal free to send him an E-mail & Complain!
A little more for you to visualize
Desmond takes flight
Contacting Desmond