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Yes yes, the pic is a couple years old, but ya work with what yer given!

Lawrence is one of my numerous cousins, but one of the first generation being the second in line after me :-) He's 20 years old & attends the University of British Columbia in his second year of Chemistry. Lawrence & myself grew up together. In all the years we've known eachother we've never faught or got pissed at eachother. Why? Cuz Lawrence is one of the most even tempered coolest headed Calculating guys I know, its amazing the self control & restraint this guy can dish out when he really wants something. I'll forever be envious of his ability to organize his thoughts, plans & finances.

Like his brother, Darryl, Lawrence has been forever playing soccer from as far back as I care to think. & UBC has not stopped that either, he now plays on the UBC intramural team. Lawrence has also been known to strap on a Snowboard & Carve it up bigtime with the big boys! :-) Like our entire family Lawrence grew up on the mountains Skiing & then later Snowboarding. At school its amazing the responcabilties hes taken upon himself with several Student associations & organization he's joined & works with.

A few visions of the Man himself

Contacting Lawrence
