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Yeah I know the pic is old hehe.. ricks on the right, I'm on the left & theres a little of my sister ;-) (He's gonna kill me for postin' this pic but its all I got of him!)

This here is my good bud Richard, I've known this dude for nearly my entire life. He's been a great guy & a awsome friend the entire time. Rick is currently in his 4th year attending SFU taking Molecular biology. He can also be found at his other love, Pumping gas at a local gas station in Langley hehe.. Sorry Rick. ;-)

Ricks also been known to ski & has a love for various types of music being a musicitian himself. His primary intrests lay in various forms of Dance music, although I know very little about this kind of music I do know he isn't really into the mainstream music & dambles in the international scene.

Click on the Rick!

Contacting Richard
