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TCG Team Rocket
Today I got Gameboy Yellow! It's fun but im no good at it! Anyway today their has been like nothing going on with Pokemon?! Oh yeah, the Team Rocket Boosters were supposed to be released last Saturday, but someone made a mistake, or they want us to go crazy with anticipation, and rush to the stores when the cards hit the shelves! (the answer is obvious)

Mew Card 01/07/2000
The new Mew card is going to be released on the 8th, but i'm not to excited when i think about the chances of getting one, oh well, it might be your lucky day. The team Rocket booster set is also coming out on the 8th! And the N64 game, Pokemon Stadium, comes out like next month, I think. Oh yeah, if i were you I'd wait and just rent Pokemon Stadium, so you can save your money for an even better game, Pokemon Stadium2, coming out like next year. Pokemon Stadium2 will have all the pokemon, and it will be a lot better trust me!

Blockbuster Thundershock! 01/04/2000
I have cool and great news for all pokemon lovers! If yuo liked the movie, Mewtwo strikes back, your gonna love this! First let me start by saying happy New Years! And second I have the best news (well maybe not best, but really good!!) They're will be a another Pokemon movie! It will be called, Lugia Revolation, Which means it will probobly feature the pokemon from Gold and Silver (the two new pokemon/gameboy games) I know it'll be a hit at the movies, and i'll bet they'll be handing out some new cards to all paying customers! Well, that's the news!!
PS. I think the old movie will be coming to video, in july, or june!

Pokemon World 12/29/99
I have some good news, and some bad news. The good news is, they are going to make a Pokemon theme park called "Pokemon World" and I think that that is really "PHAT!" But the bad news is it's going to be in Japan, which means, Americans and people in other countries (excluding Japan) are gonna have to travel far distances to get there! But if we can write enough letters, and send enough e-mail to Wizards of the Coast (TM) I'm sure we can persuade them to build one in America (or at least Canada or Mexico) So if you would like a "Pokemon World" theme park, in your hometown (or at least, home country) please write a message to wizards of the coast (TM) I know I will!
By: Lass

SHEREBII? 12/28/99
Today I found out something I think is very AWESOME! In the upcoming months the Wizards of the Coast (TM) company, will be releasing a new card, and guess what! the card will be an equivelent to mew! His name will be SEREBII, and i'll try to get his pic ASAP, but I don't think it has been released yet, Oh well! If you have a picture of SEREBII, please send it to Libra1211@aol.com - You will get full credit for the pic!
By: Lass

Gameboy shortages 12/27/99
This Christmas many kids asked their parents for an electronic game, (all pokemon lovers know!) Gameboy Color (tm) But as I found out, almost all of those kid's wishes were not granted! The shortage was coused when A Gameboy (tm) manufacturing plant in Taiwan, was demolished by an earthquake that recently occured their. If you can fin a gameboy this week (the week after Christmas) I advise you to NOT buy it becouse it was probably a deffect and returned by someone. I just hope we see them back on shelves soon!
By: Lass

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