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Welcome to the Casino! Here, you can gamble casino coins and win great pokemon prizes!!! To look at the prizes, click on this link!


To win casino coins, you can exchange money as a form of currency. For every 1000 dollars you give, we give back 500 casino coins! You can also gamble at the slot machines. Here's how it works: you pay 50 casino coins and tell me two numbers. I then roll a dice. If the number does not turn out to be either of the two numbers you mentioned, I'll give you 500 coins!!! But if the number is one of your numbers, I'll have to deduct 1000 coins from you!

To get you started, I'll give you 200 casino coins for starters! E-mail me with the code 34253 and I'll give these coins to you!

E-mail me with you want to do. If you want to gamble, tell me two numbers. If you're exchanging, tell me how much you want to exchange!

By the way, please don't tell anyone this. I can see that you're a skilled pokemon trainer and I need your help! Team Rocket is controlling this casino company and is threatening to destroy us if we don't obey them. We profit from money and are not trainers so we can't defeat them. Can you please defeat them for us? If you do, I promise I'll give you a neat prize! Go through the link below if you want to help. You'll enter Team Rocket's headquarters upstairs!