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Opening song: I want to be the very best,

Our heroes Ash, Misty, and Brock finally got the eight badges. Now they are headed for the Elite Four. Ash and his friends, along with Pikachu now reach the Pokecenter before fighting the Elite Four.

Ash: Hi, Nurse Joy! Can you heal our pokemon for me?

Ash and his friends hand their pokemon over to Nurse Joy to heal. Nurse Joy takes them and puts it in the healing machine with Chansey.

Nurse Joy: Don't worry, Ash! I'll have your pokemon ready soon. Why don't you take a walk with your friends. I hear that you're going to challenge the Elite Four. Is that right, Ash?

Ash: Yep. I promised myself that I will be the greatest Pokemon master in the world. And I tend to keep this promise. With Pikachu and my other pokemon with me, I should be able to beat the Elite Four. Are they difficult?

Nurse Joy: Each member of the Elite Four uses different Pokemon. Their names are Lorolei, who uses water and ice pokemon, Bruno, who uses fighting and rock pokemon, Agatha, who uses ghost pokemon, and Lance, who uses dragon pokemon. I can't tell you any more information.

Ash: Thanks, Nurse Joy!

Nurse: I can tell you that you won't be able to come back here to heal your pokemon in between battles with each member. Carry extra Hyper Potions with you, okay? Good luck, Ash!

Chansey: Chan-sey!

Brock: Well, let's go Ash.

Misty: Yeah, Ash! We should go to the Pokemart and buy some Hyper Potions for you!

Ash: We'll be back, Nurse Joy!

Pikachu: Pika-Chu!

Ash and his friends arrive at the Pokemart,

Clerk: That'll be 453 yen please.

Ash: Um, I think I spent too much money buying lunch yesterday. Misty, can you lend me some money?

Misty: Ash! (red faced) I already lent you a lot of money last week!

Clerk: Are you going to face the Elite Four?

Ash: Yes, I am.

Clerk: You have to pay an admission fee of 200 yen. If you win, you get the title of Pokemon Master and you get the reward of 50 000 yen.

Misty and Brock: 50 000 yen! Think of all the stuff we can buy!!!!!!!

Ash: We?!?

Misty: Don't be selfish Ash! Remember, Ash, you still owe me that bicycle!

Ash: Oh, right! Don't worry, I'm not selfish. If I win, I'll remember that you guys help me.

Clerk: Tell you what. You can repay me back after you beat the Elite Four. I have total confidence in you.

Ash: Thanks!

Clerk: Bye!

Ash, Misty, and Brock are now back on their way to the Pokecenter.

Misty: That clerk sure was nice, wasn't it?

Brock: Yeah.

Our heroes are back at the Pokecenter.

Nurse Joy: Here, Ash, Misty, and Brock! Your pokemon are all healed!

Pikachu: Chu!

Ash: Thanks, Nurse Joy!

Misty and Brock: Yeah.

Brock: I always knew that you were the prettiest Nurse Joy.

Ash: Brock, they all look the same.

Brock: You just don't understand women, Ash. This Nurse Joy is the most beautiful of them all.

Nurse Joy: I am flattered, Brock! Thank you!

Ash: Well, we should be on our way.

Nurse Joy: Wait, remember this Ash! You can only carry six pokemon so choose well.

Ash: Oh, right! I almost forgot! Let's see. Which one should I bring?

Misty: I advise you to bring one pokemon of each kind.

Ash: Well, I have to bring Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash: I will also bring Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Articuno, Zapdos, and who else?

Nurse: Wow! You have two of the legendary birds already, Ash? I am impressed!!! You know, there is a rumor that the third legendary bird, Moltres flies over here. If you can capture it, your pokemon team should be invicible!

Ash: Wow! Thanks, Nurse Joy!

Misty: But, Ash! You had trouble catching Articuno and Zapdos, Moltres should be very hard.

Brock: That's right, Ash. Moltres is a big flying and fire typed pokemon.

Ash: Well, I have to use the pokemon strong against fire and flying typed.

Nurse: That would be water for the fire, and either electric, or ice for the flying.

Ash: Hmmm! Then I should use my Blastoise, Pikachu, and Articuno.

Misty: Well, let's go Ash!

Ash: Right! Bye Nurse Joy!

Nurse: Bye! Good luck, Ash!

Ash and his friends now go to the area where Moltres is said to be.

Ash: Where is it?

Brock: Ash, you need patience.

Misty: Yeah, Ash! I had to have a lot of patience to train Psyduck!

Psyduck is zapped out of his pokeball by its own will out of Misty's backpack!

Psyduck: Psy!

Misty: Psyduck! What are you doing here, you dumb duck!

Misty kicks Psyduck on its behind.

Psyduck: Psy.......Duck!!!!!

Suddenly, Ash and his friends hear a loud scream!

Moltres: Molllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!

Ash: What the?

Brock: Ash, look up there!

Ash (looks up): Oh! It's, it's, it's, the end of the world!!!!

Misty (slaps Ash): No, you idiot! It's Moltres!

Ash: Moltres! Okay, guys. Let's go! Blastoise, I choose you!

Blastoise: Blastoise!

Ash: Blastoise, weaken Moltres with your Hydro Pump!

Blastoise (sprays large amounts of water with its hoses): Blast!

Moltres (looks down): Molll!!!!! (flies down and attempts to peck Blastoise)

Misty: Ash, everybody, duck down!

Blastoise appears to be burnt.

Ash: Blastoise, return! Articuno, I choose you!

Articuno: Cuno!!

Ash: Articuno, fly up there and freeze Moltres with your Ice Beam attack!

Articuno (flies up and Ice Beams Moltres): Cuno!

Moltres is frozen but its fire is melting the ice.

Ash: Yes, we did it!

Misty: Look again Ash! Moltres is burning the ice.

Ash: Ahh!

Moltres uses Flame Thrower to burn Articuno.

Ash: Oh!

Moltres scoops down and pecks at Psyduck's head!

Psyduck: Psyyyyyyyyy!

Misty: Psyduck! Psyduck, return.

Misty tries to zap Psyduck back but Psyduck is running around, trying to get the flame off its head.

Brock: Wait, Misty! Psyduck may be able to beat Moltres. It's turning blue!

Psyduck's eye turns blue and Moltres suddenly freezes.

Ash: Psyduck's using its Disable attack.

Misty: Ash, now's your chance.

Ash: Right, Pikachu, Thunder attack. Fill the whole sky with electricity!

Pikachu: Pika. Pika pika pika pika pika.......... CHUUUUUUU!!!

The whole sky is filled with electricity. It strikes Moltres. Ash throws his Ultraball.

Ash: Ultra Ball, go!!!!

Ash turns his cap around, gets in his position, and throws the Ultra Ball. It hits Moltres, and the ball struggles. Finally, it stays still. Ash runs over and picks it up.

Ash: Alright, we got Moltres!!! (does the two fingers sign)

Misty: I can't believe it!

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash: Thanks Psyduck! You saved the day for me.

Psyduck: (holds its head): Psy...Duck!

Misty: Psyduck, good work, I guess! Return!

Brock: Let's go back to the Pokecenter, Ash!

Ash: Right!

Ash and our heroes are back at the Pokecenter. Ash hands Nurse Joy his pokeballs again.

Nurse Joy: What happened, did you lose?

Ash: Nope, we did not go to the Elite Four. We captured Moltres!

Nurse: Congratualations, Ash! I knew you could do it! Don't worry, this should only take one minute.

Misty: Come on, Ash. Let's sit down. I'm tired.

They sit down at the comfy couch.

Ash: So, this is it, huh! We're finally here, almost beating the Elite Four.

Brock: Ash, you should really plan your strategy right now.

Ash: Right, I'll use Pikachu and Venusaur to fight Lorelei.

Misty: You should use Blastoise and Zapdos against Bruno.

Ash: What about Agatha?

Brock: Hmmm. Well, normal attacks are not effective against ghost pokemon. You should use Moltres there, Ash. Moltres' FlameThrower can chase the ghost pokemon around. And since it's an official match, the ghost pokemon can't disappear from battle.

Ash: Right!

Nurse: Ash, your pokeballs are ready!

Ash walks over and is handed his pokeballs.

Ash: Come on, guys. Let's go!

Our heroes now arrive at the door of the Elite Four. They are greeted by the receiptionnist.

Receptionnnist: Are you signing for battle with the Elite Four. If so, I'll need you to fill this form and 200 yen admission fee.

Ash: Right. Let's see. I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, I'm ten years old, I'm from Professor Oak...

Misty: Ash, read to yourself. And you write so messy!

Ash: Mind your own business, Misty! There, I'm done. Here you go!

Receptionnist: Thanks, good luck Ash!

Ash: Thanks.

Ash opens the door to the first room. Lorelei sits on a blue chair, waiting. The walls are all decorated with pictures of water pokemon.

Lorelei: Do you wish to challenge me?

Ash: Yes, my name is Ash Ketchum and I intend to be the number one pokemon master in the world!

Lorelei: Then, let's get going! We will each choose three pokemon. Dewgong, go!

Dewgong comes out. Ash opens his pokedex.

Dewgong: Gong!

Ash: What's that?

Dexter: Dewgong, an Ice pokemon.

Ash: Pikachu, I choose you buddy. THundershock it.

Lorelei: Dewgong, Aurora Beam attack.

Dewgong sends out a beam. Pikachu dodges it with its Agility attack. It thundershocks Dewgong.

Dewgong: Gong!

Ash: Hah. Good job, Pikachu!

Lorelei: Dewgong, return! You are skilled Ash, but you are still no match for Slowbro!

Slowbro comes out.

Slowbro: Bro!

Dexter: Slowbro, a

Ash: Pikachu, return. Venusaur, I choose you!

Venusaur: Saur!!!

Ash: Venusaur, use your Razor Leaf attack.

Lorelei: Slowbro, use your Confusion.

Venusaur sends out a patch of leaves, Slowbro sends out a blue light. The leaves suddenly come back and attack Venusaur.

Ash: Oh! Venusaur, return!

Lorelei: I told you. Slowbro, return. Jynx, go!

Ash: Jynx?!?

Dexter:Jynx, an ice pokemon.

Ash: Alright, Moltres go!

Lorelei (shocked): You have Moltres!?!

Ash: That's right. Moltres, flame thrower attack!

Lorelei: Jynx, Ice Beam!

Jynx sends out a bluish beam. Moltres flies and dodges it, releasing its powerful flame thrower attack. The fire burns Jynx to a crisp.

Lorelei: Oh! Jynx, return!

Ash: Good job, Moltres. Return!

Lorelei: You are very skilled indeed, Ash. Good luck. Open this door to fight Bruno.

Ash: Thanks, let's go guys.

Ash and his friends now go to a room where pictures of martial arts are displayed. Bruno is meditating.

Bruno: So, you've made it. Well, let me tell you. I'm not as easy to beat as Lorelei! Hitmonchan, go!

Ash: In that case, I choose Charizard.

Hitmonchan and Charizard are both zapped out of their pokeballs.

Bruno: Hitmonchan, use your Comet Punch.

Ash: Charizard, use your Slash attack.

Hitmonchan rushes over and hits Charizard with quick, nearly invisible punches to the head. Charizard falls down.

Ash: Charizard. Don't give up. Use your Fire Spin attack. Surround Hitmonchan with fire!

Charizard: Char!

Charizard releases its Fire Spin. Large blasts of fire surrounds Hitmonchan, and finally closes in.

Ash: Charizard, finish it off with your Slash attack!

Charizard (slashes): Zarddddd!!!!!

Bruno: Excellent work Ash. Hitmonchan, return. Go, Golem!

Ash: Venusaur, go!

Bruno: Golem, stick your head in your shell.

Ash: Venusaur, use your Vine Whips.

Venusaur uses its Vine Whips but Golem's hard shell is not damaged.

Bruno: Golem, tackle attack!

Golem (rolls): Golem!!!

Venusaur: Saur!!!

Ash: Venusaur!!!!! Ohhh, return! Go, Blastoise!

Bruno: Golem, return. I told you you were no match for me. Now, Machamp!!!

Ash: Huh?!?

Dexter: Machamp, a fighting pokemon.

Bruno: Machamp, attack Blastoise with your numerous hands.

Ash: Blastoise, use Water Gun first.

Blastoise uses Water Gun on the floor. Machamp rushes over and trips.

Ash: Hah!

Bruno: Machamp, jump up high this time.

Machamp: Champ!

Machamp jumps up and attacks Blastoise. Blastoise steps backward, then sends forward lots and lots of bubbles. Machamp is blown away!

Ash: What's that?

Dexter: Bubblebeam, one of the strongest water attacks. The pokemon sends forward a strong blast of water, causing its opponent to get blown away.

Ash: Good job, Blastoise. Now, Skull Bash!

Blastoise (runs over and bumps Machamp): Toise!!

ASh: Blastoise, return!

Bruno: Machamp, return! You are very skilled Ash. Here, go forward to the next room to face Agatha. Good luck!

Ash: Thanks.

Misty: Let's go Ash.

Brock: Wow, this has already taken 33 minutes. We better hurry.

Ash and his friends now go to a room with spooky drawings of ghost pokemon.

Brock: This should be Agatha's room. Watch out, Ash!

Misty: Yeah, Ash. Remember the last time we faced ghost pokemon in Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town.

Ash: Don't worry.

Agatha (spooky voice): Who.oooo goes..ssss theeeerrreee..eeeee?

Misty: Ahhhhhh!

Ash: I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, Ash Ketchum from the town of Pallet.

Agatha: Another one, huh?

Ash: Huh?!? That means Gary Oaks was here too.

Agatha: Ah yes, Gary. He was quite a match. Let's get started, Golbat go!

Ash: Golbat? I choose you, Pikachu.

Pikachu (walks over): Pika!

Agatha: Golbat, Wing attack!

Ash: Pikachu, Thunderbolt. Dodge its Wing attack, first.

Golbat flies at a high speed but Pikachu's quicker. It comes back in a Thunderbolt attack. Golbat's now fried.

Agatha: Oh! Golbat, return! Go, Gengar!

Gengar: Gengar....gar!

Pikachu (white face): Piiiikachu!

Ash: Come on, Pikachu.

Agatha: Gengar, Night Shade attack.

Gengar disappears, and reappears right behind Pikachu. It sends out an eerie sound, causing Pikachu to wave around and then, fall down.

Ash: Pikachu, return! Go, Moltres!!!

Agatha: No matter what pokemon you have, I will still beat you, boy! Gengar, Night Shade.

Ash: Moltres, Fire Blast!

Gengar sends out a batch of dark rays but Moltres blasts through them with Fire Blast. Finally, the flame affects Gengar and it slowly fades away as it is burned.

Agatha: Ahh! So you do have skill. Well, here you go. Go through this door to Lance. Gengar, return.

Ash: Moltres, return!

Ash and his friends now walk to the last room.

Brock: You know, Ash. You should be really careful. Lance uses Dragon pokemon and that is one of the strongest types.

Misty: The only weakness it has is against other dragon pokemon and ice typed pokmeon.

Ash: Don't worry, guys. I'll be all right.

Lance: Who goes there?

Ash: I am Ash Ketchum, from the town of Pallet. I'm here to defeat you in battle, Lance.

Lance: So you wish to challenge me. Fine you shall, Ash. But I shall not lose. Gyrados, go!

Ash: Pikachu, I choose you buddy.

Pikachu: Pika!!!

Lance: Gyrados, use your Bite attack.

Ash: Pikachu: Use your swift attack.

Pikachu sends out what looks like stars but Gyrados flies over and bites Pikachu in its stomach.

Pikachu: Pikkkkkk!

Ash: Pikachu, hang in there. Use your Thunder attack!!!!

Lance: Gyrados, use your Dragon Rage.

Gyrados takes a deep breath and sends out a big typhoon of water. Luckily, Pikachu sends out a thick jolt of thunder and blasts through the typhoon, attacking Gyrados.

Lance: Gyrados, return. Go, Dragonair!

Ash: Pikachu, come back. Go Venusaur!

Lance: Dragonair, use your Wrap attack!

Ash: Venusaur, use your vines to avoid its wrap attack and attack it with your SolarBeam!!!!

Dragonair attempts to wrap its long body around Venusaur but Venusaur keeps it back with its Vine Whips. Finally, it turns red and bright and sends out an enormous blast of solar energy. Dragonair immediately faints.

Lance: Ohh! Fine, now you need to face my Dragonite, go!!! Dragonite, use your Hyper Beam attack.

Ash: Venusaur, use your Razor Leaf attack!

Venusaur: Saurrrr!

Venusaur sends out a large batch of leaves and attempts to attack Dragonite but Dragonite shoots out a large and stunning ray that made Venusaur faint immediately.

Ash: Oh! Venusaur. Venusaur, come back! Go, Moltres!!!

Lance: Moltres!! So, you have caught Moltres. You must be skilled. But no matter what pokemon you use, you will never defeat me Ash. Dragonite, Hyper Beam!

Ash: Moltres, fly over the beam to dodge it. Use Flame Thrower.

Dragonite uses its Hyper Beam again but Moltres dodges it by flying over the beam. It sends out fire from its Flame Thrower attack. Dragonite is burned but appears to have a lot of HP left.

Lance: Dragonite, use your Hyper Beam attack again!

Dragonite sends out its Hyper Beam attack and this time, it attacks Moltres! Moltres falls down, but gets up again. This time, its whole body is burning with intense and increased flame.

Ash: WHat's happening? (opens pokedex)

Dexter: When Moltres gets extremely mad, it combines various fire typed attacks with Rage, like Charmander. It will not stop until its opponent has given up!

Ash: Yeahh! Keep on fighting, MOltres!

Moltres repeatively uses Flame Thrower attack on Dragonite but Dragonite still does not faint. Finally, Moltres stands motionless in mid-air and shouts out its name, repeatively. Finally, it sends out an enormous blast of fire, causing Dragonite to hurl over to the wall and faint.

Dexter: Moltres most powerful attack: Fire Blast. Moltres will stand still in air and wait until it has increased the temperature of its body to over 300 degress celsius. Then it will send out a large blast of fire, causing its opponent to faint.

Ash: Yeah, Moltres! Great job!

Pikachu: Pika!!!

Lance: So, you have beaten me. Congratualations Ash! You are truly a Pokemon Master!

Ash: Can I get my master badge yet, Lance?

Lance: I'm sorry, Ash. But another great trainer has beaten us before you. You must beat him first.

Ash: Another trainer? Who? Oh, no! You don't mean Gary Oaks.

Lance: Yes, it is Gary Oaks. Beware, Ash. Gary has powerful pokemon. Go through this door to beat him. But I suggest you go back to the pokemon center and eat something first. Here, step into this warp tile. It will teleport you back to Nurse Joy.

Misty: Thanks, Lance! Let's go guys!

Brock: Right!

Ash and his friends step into the warp tile and are teleported back to the Pokecenter.

Nurse Joy: Ash, Misty, Brock! What are you doing here?

Ash: Nurse Joy! I beat the Elite Four!

Nurse: Congratualations, Ash! I knew you could do it. So have you got the master badge yet?

Ash: No, I still have to beat Gary Oaks, my rival from Pallet Town.

Nurse: Don't give up Ash! Here, I'll heal your pokemon for you.

Ash: Thanks. Here (hands his pokeballs and Pikachu).

Nurse: (puts them in the healing machine) Here, why don't you have a complimentary meal with your friends!

Misty: Thanks, Nurse Joy! We're famished!

Brock: Yeah!

Ash: Thank you for your help!

Ash (while eating): Brock, when you were still the Pewter City Gym Leader, do you remember which pokemon Gary used to beat you?

Brock: Actually, I was beaten by all three of the other trainers from Pallet Town. I remembered one used Bulbasaur, one used Squirtle, and one used Charmander. Sorry, Ash. I can't help you that well.

Misty: Don't say that Brock. You helped Ash a lot. See, now we know that Gary uses either Bulbasaur, Squirtle, or Charmander.

Ash: Well, I also have these three pokemon. If it's a Squirtle, it should be easy since Pikachu's Thunder can easily defeat it.

Misty: Well, we'll soon find out!

Pikachu: Pika!

Nurse Joy: Good luck, Ash!

Ash: Thanks, Nurse Joy! Let's go guys!

Brock: Right!

Ash: All right, Gary! I'm here to challenge you!

Pikachu: Chu!

Gary: Hey, Ash! I just can't believe that you actually made it here and beat the Elite Four! What'd you do? Bribe them or threaten them? Of course, a puny guy like you with loser pokemon can't threaten anyone! I pity that Pikachu of yours. Being raised by such a loser trainer. Hah!

Ash: You take that back, Gary!

Gary: Quit your yapping and start battling. I have've been looking forward to this battle. I couldn't wait to beat you good! We'll start with you, Venusaur!

Misty: He has a Venusaur?!?

Ash: Articuno, I choose you!

Gary: You have Articuno, one of the legendary pokemon?

Ash: Yep. I have all three. What, afraid you're going to lose?

Gary: To a loser like you, never! Venusaur, use your Cut attack first!

Ash: Articuno, use your Ice Beam attack!

Venusaur: Saur!

Articuno: Cuno!

Articuno sent out a beam of Ice but Venusaur cut it.

Gary: Venusaur, use your Solar Beam Attack!

Ash: Uh-oh!

Venusaur sent out his Sun solarbeam attack on Articuno, who now faints on the ground.

Ash: Articuno, return!