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Pokémon, or Pocket Monsters, are magical creatures who live in the wild and are later captured by humans, or Pokemon trainers. Trainers use their pokemon to catch more pokemon, to battle other trainers, or just to keep them as pets and friends. There are 153 known pokemon in the television series.

Click here to go to my Pokedex with all the Pokemon's pictures and names.

There are 15 different types of Pokemon, such as water, ice and fire. Each type has certain weaknesses and strengths against others, such as fire being strong against grass but weak against water. As a pokemon gains more levels, it will learn more moves and eventually evolve to a stronger pokemon. Below is a battle chart. The numbers are below the battle chart.

In the game, pokemon have stats and the stats grow as the pokemon gain more levels:

Attack: This stat determines your pokemon's attacking abilities. The higher it is, the more damage your pokemon does to another.

Defense: This stat determines your pokemon's defending abilities. The higher it is, the less damage your pokemon accepts when attacked by another.

Speed: This stat determines your pokemon's agility. THe higher it is, the quicker your pokemon is in battle, and is more accurate also.

Special: This stat determines your pokemon's special abilities. The higher it is, the more damage your pokemon does to another when it is using elemental attacks such as fire and water, and special attacks such as psychic and electric.

Also, your Pokemon will gain experience for every battle it wins. As it gains enough experience, your pokemon will gain a level. If you use four pokemon in a battle, the experience points will be divided evenly among them.

HP and PP points: HP is your Pokemon's life points. When the number reaches zero, the pokemon faints. PP is your pokemon's energy in a certain move. When it reaches zero, you can no longer use that move unless you use a special item or rest.

A pokeball is used to capture a wild pokemon. There are four different kinds of balls: Pokeball (weakest), Great Ball (strong), Ultra Ball (very strong), and Master Ball (invincible). When using the first three named balls, you must weaken the enemy first. Burn or make your oppenent sleep in ordre to make the capturing easier.

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