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Welcome to the Safari Zone! Here, you can capture rare pokemon such as Chansey!!! However, you are not allowed to battle these pokemon. To capture them, you use Safari Balls which you will get when you register. To weaken the pokemon, throw bait and rocks. Beware, if you throw too many rocks, the pokemon will run away! It's 5000 dollars for one whole day! You can enter and exit whenever you want for one day! E-mail me if you want to enter. You will be given 30 Safari Balls!!!

If you really want to know how you capture pokemon, here it is: Every time you request to fight a Safari pokemon, I roll the dice. If I roll 1, 2, or 3, it's Nidoran male and female, Ryhorn, Venonat, Dodou, Paras, or Eggexcute. If I roll 4, it's either Nidorino or Nidorina. If I roll 5, it's Scyther, Pinsir, Venomoth, or Parasect. If I roll six, it's Chansey or Tauros. Once I roll a number, you get to pick which pokemon in that category you fight for that turn.