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TM's are short for Technical Machines. There are 50 TM"s in total. Each one contains a different move. Not every pokemon can learn every move. To use it, go to your item box and select that TM. Press A to confirm that you want to use it. Your pokemon menu will appear and will ask you which pokemon you want to use the TM on. Beware, though! Once you use a TM, it disappears forever. Teach the TM to a pokemon wisely. Below is a list of all the TM's.

TM 1 = Mega Punch
TM 2 = Razor Wind
TM 3 = Swords Dance
TM 4 = Whirlwind
TM 5 = Mega Kick
TM 6 = Toxic
TM 7 = Horn Drill
TM 8 = Body Slam
TM 9 = Take Down
TM 10 = Double Edge
TM 11 = Bubblebeam
TM 12 = Water Gun
TM 13 = Ice Beam
TM 14 = Blizzard
TM 15 = Hyper Beam
TM 16 = Pay Day
TM 17 = Submission
TM 18 = Counter
TM 19 = Seismic Toss
TM 20 = Rage
TM 21 = Mega Drain
TM 22 = Solarbeam
TM 23 = Dragon Rage
TM 24 = Thunderbolt
TM 25 = Thunderbolt
TM 26 = Earthquake 
TM 27 = Fissure 
TM 28 = Dig 
TM 29 = Psychic 
TM 30 = Teleport 
TM 31 = Mimic 
TM 32 = Double Team 
TM 33 = Reflect 
TM 34 = Bide 
TM 35 = Metronome 
TM 36 = Self Destruct
TM 37 = Egg Bomb 
TM 38 = Fire Blast 
TM 39 = Swift
TM 40 = Skull Bast 
TM 41 = Softboiled 
TM 42 = Dream Eater 
TM 43 = Sky Attack 
TM 44 = Rest
TM 45 = Thunder Wav
TM 46 = Psywave
TM 47 = Explosion
TM 48 = Rock Slide
TM 49 = Tri Attack
TM 50 = Submission
HM 1 = Cut
HM 2 = Fly