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Hi! Welcome to my Viridian City Walkthrough. As you continue up through Route 1, fighting Rattatas and Pidgeys, you will eventually come to Viridian City. You can browse around but you can't go any further up than the point shown in the picture below or the old man will block your way.

Go into the PokeCenter and heal your POkemon as well as talk to the people in there. There is a pokecenter in every city and the nurse heals your Pokemon for free! You can also link up with a friend in the right. You can also store or withdraw items and pokemon in the computer in the right, as well as having your POkedex evaluated by Professor Oak. Go into the Pokemart next door and the clerk will ask you to deliver a parcel to Professor Oak. Once you get it, go back down to Pallet Town. When you talk to Prof, Gary will come in and Prof will give you

both a Pokedex, an electronic encyclopedia that records data on pokemon you have seen or captured. GO back up to Viridan Pokemart after this and purchase some pokeballs for 200 bucks each. Capture a Rattata and Pidgey, level 5 would be best but you usually fight them at level 3. Make sure to weaken them until they have around 3 HP left. Go to the very left and fight Nidorans (both male and female). In red version, the male Nidoran is more common but the female one is rare. In blue version, it is the other way around. When you capture them, don't go up and left because then you will fight Gary again. Wait until you have stronger pokemon to fight him later. Gain levels for your pokemon. When the average level is at least 8 or 9, go up into the Viridian Forest. Don't worry, since you delivered the parcel to Prof Oak, the old man will let you through. Make sure you have at least 5 pokeballs with you.
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