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GettIN bSB TIx

i got this idea from my friend who went with me. it was apr.17,98 the bsb tix were goin on sale the next day for their vancouver show. so my 2 other friends and i went to get bsb tix. we had to sneak out of the house and we had nowhere to go so we went to a friend's house til 12 am and then we left. we walked to our elementary school and sat there for 2 hrs. we started playing cards then my 2 friends started sleeping there for like 2 hrs. they looked so peaceful while i was up "guarding" and keeping track of time.that time we didn't have a car and my friend's bro was suppose to drive us but he never did. as crazy as we were, we walked at 2:45 am to the nearest ticketmaster which is 15 mins away form where we live. 15 mins- by car! so we took 45 mins before we got there. it was so cool walking in the dark it had a really cool feeling. well this damn car was honking at us and that scared the hell outta me! well we got there. we were the first ones there. and we sat on a bench. as soon as i saw these 3 other girls comin i ran to be the first in line. hahaha to those bitches. so my 2 other friends and i sat in line and those 3 bitches were behind us. man sittin on pavement is so damn uncomfortable! at least i didn't have to sit on a plastic bag like con! hahahah. no offence girl! LOL i was sittin on a blanket and a pillow. at around 4:30 other girls started to come. they brought folding chairs and they came with their dad. my dad would kill me if he knew i did this! anyways, i slept around 5:00am and woke up at 6:00 am thrilled and so god damn excited! con and i went around the outside of the mall while ann was sleeping in line. LOL. who knew it was gonna be so god damn cold in the middle or april? god damn it! i was freezing. since i was so nice enough to give my other coat to my friend ann.....u owe me big! :) k so after 10 mins of walking con and i went back to line and we started talking, watching cars go by, listening to the diskman. 2 hrs passed. my friend and i went to a&w to get some hot chocolate. we went to starbucks to "defrost" first.... so god damn cold! then we bought the drinks. an hour left before the tix were on sale. this dumbass in a truck came by and he's like "sorry, I just heard that the tix r sold out" everyone's like haha very funny and started cussing at them. that was so funny! this woman handed out numbers to everyone. we were #1 and they called out 66. so the peeps who just went 10 mins before the tix were on sale got better tix than us! f*** that! i hate a&b. they only sold balcony tix. so we got balcony seats. row 4! pschee! sux ass! at around 9:00 our friend came and met up with us. although she didn't go to the concert with us. and on that day apr.18 i had my bday party..... we all went to a movie and i slept through the WHOLE movie. City Of Angels. i was pretty dead that day. then i went to the chiropractor the day after that cuz sleeping on pavement (even for an hour can do u NO good!)but 4 mons later on aug.15,98 the concert was great! wasn't that great :( it could have been better! i guess it wasn't that great cuz we were so damn far! DAMN IT! but nick... oh god he was so damn fine! aj and always was so damn horny! kev was HOT! i kept screaming for him and these 13 yr old guys in front of us kept on looking back cuz they were like why the hell is this girl screamin for a guy that's 10 years older than him? well age don't matter! and if any guy has a damn fine bod then i would stare! well those fags(13 yr old guys) started cheering when they sang their last song everybody. those dumbasses! when howie sang his solo, no one screamed or clapped, or sang. EVERYONE sat down. it was funny. i remember these 5 girls that were 2 rows behind us was standing up. brian was alright. nick was so enthusiastic! aj was humping anything in sight! hahaha. yea, they basically put on a KICK ASS show! oh yea! nick's lil bro aaron carter opened up for them. for a 10 yr old...he is 10 right? he was pretty cute...just like his big bro ;) well aaron got the crowd hyped before bsb came out. yea that was it. u ask if i would do this again? HELL YEA!!!! it was really cool. better than doing nothin on a sat. night.