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BItchNeY SkaNk's piX

here are the before and after pix of bitchney..... yep that's right! BREAST IMPLANTS DOES A HELL LOT FOR THIS GIRL!

BEFORE- Flat Bitch!

she's as flat as a pancake. she only had breast implants to boost her confidence......hahaha britney no one's perfect....yea that goes for u too bitch!

AFTER- Whoa! can u say push up bra? and silicon?

yep she's fake. she's always had a fake personality now she's even more fake! lol. what a bitch. she's so fucking vain god she makes me so sick! unnatural bitch! ewwww she looks like such a slut! the make up totally does not go!

SmuSh HeR!!!!!!

yea joey that's right! SMUSH HER!!!!!! she doesn't look too happy.....but then of course who would want to be near joey? god it makes me so sick how much joey likes her. god! stop crushing on a girl that's still a minor!!! ugh! it's sickening how much he tries to get close to her.....go get a room!