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mAH meeTin wiT B*wiTcHEd

yea i met these bitches who think they're ts(top shit) but anyways. my friends heard it on the radio one day and i thought hey why not? so my friend wanted me to skip the whole day with her. i was like hell no not for these peeps! so we went afterschool and i sorta regret it. i was saying no one would prob go but there were prob over 1000 peeps maybe around 2000. so we lined up for around 20 mins and we got bored and the security guard said we might not even get autographs. so my other friend and i got so damn tired of waiting and i didn't wanna see those damn sluts perform so the 2 of us went to mcdonald's while my 2 friends saw them perform and they were saying how hell bad they i didn't know???? so we were eating and talkin at the food court and we were gonna go but then this gay fag who used to go to the same school as me came up to me and said oh my god i got their autograph! u should go up. so my 3 friends went up and i was there by myself and they're like come on come up so i did and eventually like 5 mins later i got their autographs which was like totally not worth it! i don't know their names but the blond chick was first and so i said "how r u enjoying vancouver so far?" and she has the irish accent or whatever and she's like "we came yesterday and we're leaving tomorrow actually tonight" i was like WHOAAAAAA dumb blonde! and i wondered if she even understood what i said? hmmmmmmmm. so next was the 2 twins who were so damn dumb. and next was the fat ass curly bimbo. i always thought she would be nice but she wasn't at all nice. i guess they prob knew i wasn't a big fan or anything like that. that was almost the worst autograph sess! so i went off the stage and was like god i hate them even more than i did before! pschee! those dumbasses!

MaIn paGe

MaIn pAge