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NsYnc ConcERt, autOgraPH seSS and Tix

k so here i am again to share one of my very sad stories :( my friends heard that nsync was comin to town so i was like what the hell? another bsb...i'll go. so my friends and i were gonna do the hell crazy thing to get their tix. yea, how we got bsb tix. YEA RIGHT! we decided not to. so instead i just sleptover and we bought the tix over the phone. my 2 friends were tryin to get in the phones. (we were all at the same house) so 1 of my friend called the calgary ticketmaster and the other called the vancouver one. the calgary one got in. so that dude was bored so he started askin my friend how the weather was here... blah, blah, blah(give us da damn tix already!) we got the tix and we thought we got in front row...we prob were! but those damn nsyncers played at the smallest venue man! it was general admission. so when the concert rolled around, we drove there @5am that day so we would get good seats! man we were sittin 14-15 hours STRAIGHT!!! ouchie my ass again! we started talkin to these 19 0r 20 yrs old peeps that arrived like 20 mins before us. we sort of became friends that day. anyways, we sat there, walked around, bought food, went to the b room like 10 times! at around 2-3pm nsync and their big ass tourbus came. everyone started screamin their asses off! i saw them they looked pretty cute ;) they were doin meet and greets, i'm so fucking mad that i never met them! :( i saw joey's older bro steve or whatever the hell his name is! then inside, while we were still outside, they were doin the sound chek. everyone started hammering the door so hard with their fists, screaming after every song cuz we heard it so well outside. FINALLY their concert started and it kicked major ASS!!!!!!! da best show i've ever been to. it was fun, entertaining, blah blah blah. wouldn't u have expected us to get some good ass seats for sittin so long? but NO of course not! not me! i'm always the unlucky one! yea i got squished so damn bad that i had to get out of the crazy crowd! n-tyce was performing sucky ass girl group! it would have been hell worse if it was britney though. so i talked to the body guard and i was acting fucking stupid and askin them to pull out my friends... yea dumbass me hey y'all don't laugh! we couldn't even breathe! shut up con and ann.....:( hehehe. so the fat ass was like ok. ok my ass! pchee! he never did but then i saw my friends and hooked up with them. i was so glad we were all in a piece. yea if u were there u would've been too!!!!!!!! so they came out & had a kick ass show. then they went to an after party at a club. we were too young to get in :( god! need someone to hook me up with some fake id! j/k. the day after they had a dumbass autograph sess! pchee. we went at 8am and the fucking line was so damn long. we were like 3 stores away from HMV so we were like we prob r gonna get their autograph. yea they came around 3 or so i sat for another 7 hrs! fuck man MORE than 20 hrs on pavement! :( well it was so crowded, and i hate nsync and the peeps who organize all this shit cuz they organized it so fucking bad! everyone cut in line. so we never got autographs or even seen them go out of the building. :( at least i got a dumbass calendar. so yea i have the worse luck! well anyone who got their autograph or met them u lucky asses! but oh well i don't like nsync. 98 DEGREES BABY!!!!!!!!!! woooooooooooooh. k i'm calm. i'm surprised keith wasn't there! ;)