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U sUck!!!!!!!!

This page is about anyone and everyone i hate and why. i hate b*witched for their gay name. i swear one of them is gettin it on with their manager. hey u had to be at their Metropolis autograph sess. they also have a pretty dumb song. i hate their voices. britney spears for bein a slut that is easy to hate. howie for being such a god damn geeeeeekkkkk!!!!! god it's not only the fucking wink but it's also the goodie goodie attitude and just for being a nerd. kim and laurinda for being such god damn bitches for bitchin behind my back. i'm gonna kick ur asses all the way back to beijing u know what i'm sayin? erin used to be aka miss perfect. too bad now u r a train face. hahaha. god did that to u since u r such a bitch. i need to explain why?.....k i will. they're sooooooooooooooo fucking ugly, can't sing, have no talent, and cuz 2 twin sluts like them...ashley and chelsea. ashley stop acting like a slut wannabe and chelsea stop sucking up to us cuz we know keith. god u girls have the worst taste in guys except keith. that guy rich or whatever his name is in 5ive. god he's a geek too. lauren u fat bitch. can't even go out at night w/ ur friends. da 3 chris' yeah u chris domininx stop being such a perv and checking out girls like that. and chris grant stop flirting woth my friend she don't find u at all one does. and christina ur such a geek but ur cool cuz u dumped laurinda like who wouldn't? and laurinda u suck u god damn flat, weird voice, skinny as a stick bitch go to hell. so sad u don't have a bf....even more sad that u would consider ben as ur bf u would actually go out w/ that ugly geek? yea i know u r desperate and no one else likes u. anthea=boungalas u suck u bitch and why don't u fuck ur lesbian friend stephanie hey why not add in catherine or christina. leon, alex, gavin stop being such math geeks. i'm gonna roll my eyes even more and later on i'm gonna turn out to have ugly eyes like bitchney skank and katie homo. tom and daniel stop dissing martin and other chinese peeps. nick u suck at b-ball and stop wit the ego!!!!!!!! ewww andrew the guy that went out w/ leanne. ugh brandon i don't know him that well but fuck him and derek. stupid cow. and all the other bitches group natalie, fayrouz, u'll never make it as a model. don't even try! sarina...why da hell did u say hi to me? erika stop acting like a guy. those fucking hoes. bain god ewwwwww. tania stop teasing me about nsync, bsb, 98 degrees. at least i don't have any ugly guy stalking me and i need my bro to kick his ass. u try too hard to fit in with ur couz. stop hitting on my bro.....bad joke. and patrick stop doin impressions of the rock. especially not in public!!!! chetna god stop hanging with us. such a tagalong. maybe she'll be good friends with laurinda who is also a tagalong. mrs. larsson ur the worst student teacher. u shouldn't be a teacher. what u say and teach don't make sense at all....go home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! marlan u fat ass chick!!!!!!!! lauren pullen u make me sick and so does ur friend alisha who is always high on drugs. chris kalhoon for being such an asswipe or wipeass.hahaha. go home u racoon. mr.lepage glue, mrs.reindeer, mrs.brush-my-teeth, mr. and mrs. snowie, mrs.shoemaker<------ her real last name! hahaha. mr.carerin<-----yea the one that cares about erin! hey i didn't know i spelt it in the name too! cool me! ;) UR THE WORST TEACHERS IN THIS WHOLE FUCKING WORLD!!! adriana,yasmine,kim letz just call u guys the group that has the heaviest accents. and those gr.7 fat shorties:tanya, taryn, and whoever else. hahaha tanya u went afterschool for the 98 degrees autograph sess and u got no autograph ahahahah dumb bitch. and tanya rabar so stupid to skip blk b and then go u got nothing either "hahahahaha." william u fatass. get urself a bra stop asking if we hang out with the bitch laurinda. and yes for the 3rd time i have to shout in ur face we're friends w/ ana god u nosy asshole. just cuz u have no friends doesn't mean u have to always be so annoying and ask us these things. yea maybe kev does wanna fog up my glasses(long dumb story) u horny ass fag. man ur voice really sounds worse than it already was. sean, god where should i start? we use to be like best friends and suddenly he changed to this asshole i guess it's insecurities. trying too hard to fit in. although no one else felt bad for u except us. now ur still a loner. GEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! robert ewwww. victor=WORSE god calling someone something that rhymes with their name is so god damn elementary. i guess u'll just never grow up and it's true how girls mature faster than guys. chris dominix and cory should just fucking hook up. i know chris wants cory BADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! ugh yorkie another horny ass fag....loner! and for the peeps that never believed in me in any way, UP YOURS!!!!!

MaiN paGe