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The Pokemon Page

Wav Files

Pokeball Goooo! (Misty saying it)
Pikachu laughing (This is very disturbing)
Pikachu saying his name (very, very disturbing)
The Game Music

Welcome to one of my fave pages-the Pokemon page. There are images, sounds and loads of other cool stuff on these pages. Plus, the music (Pokemon Rock) now begins automatically! Wahoo!


Pikachu-everyone's favourite Pokemon chum! Except perhaps Llewellyn, who thinks that he's evil...but you've gotta admit, he's sooooo cute, isn't he?

I'm a Pokémon Trainer!

Colouring In!

Yes, it's true! Yout too can colour in your favourite Pokemon picture simply by clicking on one of the different links below. Simply print it out and get those pens ready, or save it on your computer and use Paintshop Pro, or something.


A Pokeball

Look! A Pokeball! Very rare things, these are. All the Japanese kiddies carry them around, and make funny POKEEEEEEEE! noises with them in their hands. Yes well, anyway...I have no idea what it does, but all of the Pokeman trainers utilise them, so they must be good. Yay! Pokeball goooooooo!!!!Yarrg! Help! I'm having an epileptic fit! Ahhhh!!






A Flareon

Look, children! A Flareon! FLAREON! Hahahahahahahaha! Everyone laugh at the programmers' funny joke! Hee hee hee! Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho (how else do I fill this space?)




...Why am I laughing?...

...Oh, yeah! To fill space!...


...haha! sides hurt...ha!...ouch...

A Charmeleon

Charmeleons...I think they're actually only available in the 'red' version of Pokemon. Oh, and if you have no idea what I'm talking about, or what Pokemon are, then I'll give you the rundown. Pokemon is a Japanese video game, that's quite basically hotter than...well, a very hot thing. The game is best described as an RPG (groan) for the Game Boy, but the thing that makes it so addictive is the way that you play a normal boy, and have to catch little critters called Pokemon, which you then fight against other Pokemon that other characters own. The more Pokemon you have, the better the chance you have of emerging victorious, because once one Pokemon is killed the next in your list of Pokemon can take over. Pokemon is such a massive hit that it has hundreds of different, obscure pieces of merchandise, from soft toys to tasty sweets and snacks. It even has its own TV show! (which, incidentally, makes all of the Japanese kids have epileptic fits)...Continued beside 'Pikachu'


The 'Red' and 'Blue' versions of Pokemon are, in fact, exactly the same game. Stupid, you may think, but no! Because of the addictive collecting nature of Pokemon, a few more different Pokemon are included in each version, so that the only way you can collect all of the Pokemon is by buying both versions. But it doesn't stop there. Oh, no. To be even more infuriating, the only way that you can get all of the Pokemon on one cart, is by getting another Gameboy, linking it to yours and swapping Pokemon. Those wily, evil Nintendo developers! As a matter of fact, Pokemon probably saved Nintendo...and now it's coming to Europe! Wahoo! Pokemon! Pokemon! Pokemon! Poke...
Ahem. Pikachu, is, strangely, the most popular of the Pokemon. His cute little features and his cuddly nature make him the 'unofficial' Pokemon mascot. He drives the Japanese kiddies wild, and though he may look little, he can pack a real punch to characters bigger than him. (For instance, look at all the Japanese kids he knocked out when he started his 'flashing light' displays on screen...)
