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Lady Sunshine's Mom and Granny.

My Granny passed away 2 years after this picture was taken.The picture was taken while Mom was getting ready for her wedding.Now Granny watches over all of us.My Sister-in-law Shannon and I both wear a piece of jewlery given to us by Mom that was my Granny's.We both feel strongly that Granny is trying hard to help us through this..most of all she is there "Watching over her daughter,comforting her in the biggest battle she will ever face"


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Poems and Insperational words from friends on the net.

My thanks to all those that have sent poems,story's and special words to be place here.Thank you


From Paula
Special thank you to a new friend of mine Paula,
who reached out to me after she seen this site.
Thank you Paula for these words..
they have been placed here and on my fridge as a reminder to keep hope alive...
and most of all faith.
"We are always amazed with the way the Lord works!!
And he knows what we need and he will supply those needs..
Just believe...
Throw all doubts to hell because that is where they belong!
That is where they originated from..
Always remember that."