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Managing the Side Effects of Chemotherapy Continued



Insomnia may be related to:

  1. Stress

  2. An anti-nausea drug

  3. Corticosteroieds,or

  4. Your lifestyle

If insomnia occurs,be sure to tell your primary nurse. You might want to review your sleep patterns.Choose a regular bedtime, quiet evening,comfort measures,relaxation techniques.

You might want to avoid:

  1. Strenuous physical activity just before bedtime.

  2. Drinks with caffeine

  3. Naps during the day if you have difficulty sleeping at night-if tired,try mild exercise such as a short walk,or stretching.



In order to understand what our loved ones are dealing with,we must inform ourselves.
The info on the next few pages will help not only those with cancer understand how to cope...
but also those family members who find themselves wanting more info.

Managing Side Effects of Chemotherapy

This page deals with:


Hair Loss

This page deals with:Hair loss

Dealing with Nausea

This page deals with nausea
brought on by Chemotherapy

Managing Side Effects
from Chemotherapy Continued

This page deals with: Insomnia

Managing Side Effects
from Chemotherapy Continued

This page deals with:Numbness and Tingling
Sexuality and Sore Mouth

Common drugs to NOT take

This page deals with common drugs
(ASA for example) which you should not take
while on Chemotherapy

Facing Emotional Changes

Emotional changes during Chemotherapy