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Lady Sunshine's Mother Judy with first grandson Jeremiah


Lady Sunshine's Rays of Hope Site Index


Would you like to join the
Rays of Hope Webring?
This page will tell you how you can do just that,
and what is needed to become part of the
"Rays of Hope" family.

Rays of Hope and Cancer Share Care Advocacy
have banned together to bring you a "onelist" for you to talk through email.
For more details click on the button and you will be given information regarding the email program.

Awards Lady Sunshine's Rays of Hope site has recieved.
To all of those that have given this site an award,
my heartfelt thank you.
You have made doing the work on this site bearable
with gifts you send in my email.Thank you once again.

This page is filled with personal homepage links.
These are people that have been touched by Cancer
or know people that have cancer and are dealing with it.

This page deals with all web links that I can find
dealing with Cancer of all types.

What is Chemotheropy?.
This page tells you what Chemotheropy is.

Do you have questions about Chemotheropy?.
This page may give you some answers to your questions.

Chemotheropy and your Emotions.
This page may give you some answers
to help your emotional well being while being on Chemotheropy.

Radiation Therapy
This page may give you some answers
to questions you have about Radiation Therapy.
Info on side effects is also discussed.

Everyone needs to laugh,and laughter is the best medician.
Here you will find story's and jokes to hopefully cause a chuckle or and huge laugh to brighten your day :)
Warning!! this page contains a friend of mine Merlin is a script I have made now you have to download when the popup comes up on your page.
He will chat at you for a moment or two...then sits on your desktop till you go to another page or click the back button.
This page is best seen by INTERNET EXPLORER

This page is dedicated to my Granny
who passed away from cancer.
This page will have poems and story's for you to enjoy.

This page is for my daily thoughts about what is happening.
If you ever wanted to know what Lady Sunshine thinks about daily
here is your chance to peek inside her mind...careful!! don't tickle!!

Webrings Lady Sunshine belongs to.
Page started Jan 6/2000

This page has ribbons and banners
that support cancer causes.


What to expect when your on Chemotherapy

In order to understand what our loved ones are dealing with,we must inform ourselves.
The info on the next few pages will help not only those with cancer understand how to cope...
but also those family members who find themselves wanting more info.

Managing Side Effects of Chemotherapy

This page deals with:


Hair Loss

This page deals with:Hair loss

Dealing with Nausea

This page deals with nausea
brought on by Chemotherapy

Managing Side Effects
from Chemotherapy Continued

This page deals with: Insomnia

Managing Side Effects
from Chemotherapy Continued

This page deals with:Numbness and Tingling
Sexuality and Sore Mouth

Common drugs to NOT take

This page deals with common drugs
(ASA for example) which you should not take
while on Chemotherapy

Facing Emotional Changes

Emotional changes during Chemotherapy