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At the Gauley river in WV

howdy folks,
i'm kevin (a 25 year old kayak nut currently living in east tennessee). i paddle once a week year round and have been kayaking for about five and 1/2 years. i am a boat collector although my wife has managed to cut my quiver of boats down to 8 (from 11). i mainly paddle in east and middle tn. i love creeking as well as play boating and i'm a huge fan of the topolino!! i'm currently a medical student at etsu and recently married a fellow student on april 25th......and yes she does paddle :) i'm in heaven. i'm a member of AWA, TSRA, and the APES. i really enjoy meeting and paddling with new people so feel free to contact me if you would like to paddle in east or middle tn. thanks.
johnson city, tn