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My nane is Chris Kelly. I'm 52, have a beautiful and intellegent wife (Actually, I'm a trophy husband. She just keeps me around because I am good looking and way buff; kind of a sex toy.) We have two grown children, one of whom is a kayaker. The other one is a nice person. My wife and I live in Columbia, MO.

I usually paddle a Dagger Rival but also have a glass Winonah Edge, a Caption and a flat water boat. I lust after a Skeeter/Quake. Most recently I paddled the Kaweah River in central California. This BTW, is a tremendous river.

The Saint Francis is my home river but I can often be found in Arkansas, Tennessee, Colorado or WVa.

I appreciate this ng for the tips about boating and boat care but mostly for its deep philosophical foundation. love, Chris Kelly