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I grew up near the Lower Yough in the 70's, rafted it many times including a trip in a 4' survival raft. I lost most of the following decade to marriage and grad school, spent the 90's workin in the DC biotech industry. After a stint in the IT industry, In 2000, I moved to Ontario a NAFTA visa to manage the supercomputing centre at the Hospital for Sick Children. I'm currently working at a biotech company in Toronto, working on the launch of a biotech database company. The length of my stay here is uncertain.

I started paddling about the time of my divorce some 10 years ago. I spend every other weekend with my daughter in Maryland. She is 13. We both enjoys the outdoors a great deal although neither of us are daring paddlers. We can usually be found on the Potomac. We paddle also flat water and camp. In the fall I hunt deer. I like to relax with my 44 magnum, plan to learn skeet shooting.
