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I am a lurker to this group. I am building a Pygmy Coho, which will be the first boat I own. I am barely under 40, single, professional, with precious little free time. I have started to take sea kayaking up to get the quiet scenery and plan on doing some boat camping up in the lakes near where I live, in Sacramento, CA. I have paddled some interesting places in the past - the Rock Islands of Palau, Micronesia, inland jungle rivers in Guam (with some whacko marines who hacked away debris with machetes, even had fresh bananas and coconuts on that trip), paddled a sit on top in the remnants of a typhoon ( whoooooeeeee!!), and took a short trip in the San Juan Islands two years ago. I hope to set up a website in the very near future to show off the construction of my boat. In my "spare" time I also golf and bicycle. I am currently the chairperson for a Habitat for Humanity House being built here in Sacramento - we will kick off construction Labor Day and have a homecoming for our family by Thanksgiving.