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I'm Parham Momtahan. I've been dropping in and out of rbp since about 1995, I think. I started posting as "Eddy Rapid" early this year. (I was anonymous for a while but, during the burnt toaster boy's manic phase, I decided that anonymity is not consistent with a healthy community. But THAT is another story.)

I'm 42, married, and we have a daughter. I'm a born again Canadian living in Ottawa, Ontario. I make my living out of puters, nets, and such, but we won't get into that here.

I started paddling 13 years ago. I had never been in any kind of paddling boat. Then I went to see Bill Mason's film "Water Walker". Half way though the film I had my moment of epiphany and I KNEW what I had to do. The very next weekend I got on a canoeing course and I have never stopped paddling since.

These days, I mainly OC"-1" in a Dagger Ocoee in class III/IV. In moments of weakness I have cross dressed into a skirt and picked up the devil's extra blade, but never long enough to have changed my orientation.

I have been a whitewater instructor for the Ottawa YMCA Canoe Camping Club for a few years. I just received my Ontario Recreational Canoeing Association (ORCA level III instructor accreditation after a challenging 9 day course, under the mentorship of Mike Yee.

I also love tripping, usually with family and friends, in places like Algonquin Park, Killarny Park, Parc de la Gatineau.

I also enjoy travelling on solid water. I'm a Canadian Ski Marathoner ) and occasional Arctic sojourner (

Eddy "that's who" Rapid.