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Anyway, I'm 27 (well, I will be in two weeks), living in Edmonton, Alberta. I took a beginner kayaking course in January-April, 1996, with my wife, Melissa. There's been no turning back for me since then, but Melissa quit paddling the first summer after an inner-ear problem (causing vertigo and nausea) which she attributed to kayaking. I'm now into my fourth season of paddling and am a comfortable class III-IV paddler. (I don't believe in rushing to higher grades quickly, and find a good, solid class III to be really fun.)

I've been on the executive of my university club (although I graduated in '96) for three years, and am presently on the executive of the Alberta Whitewater Association. See I am also an Basic kayaking instructor in Alberta, with the national NCCP certification as well.

I do most of my paddling in the Canadian Rockies in Alberta and BC -- real mountains, unlike those hills they have down in the SE US. ;-) ;-) Favourite spots include the Brierlies (at Rocky Mountain House, AB), Jasper National Park, and the Fraser River in the shadow of Mt. Robson.

I am a mechanical engineer, working for an oil and gas research company in Edmonton ( No kids, but two Golden Retreivers (
