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Hi from Peik:

I'm 49, first paddled a kayak in surf in Wales 1967. Stayed in UK and paddled/surfed for 2 years.
Got home to Norway, and was away from the paddling business for almost 10 years until I bought Klepper K2 whitewater kayak and relearned my roll from memory. Got some rivertime on my own before joining OSI (Oslo Students' Sportsclub) river paddling group sometime in the early 80's.

I'm having lotsa fun with those youngsters from the University, but realise that this old dog can't keep up with the learning curve of todays young boaters. So I'm trying to take care, my upper limit goes up and down with scary/successful river outings, while I'm still trying to learn some new tricks.
Me and my cohab/girlfriend have a son who's 18. He's into all kindsa cool activities, but tends to stay away from my main interests (avoiding competition?) so I'm going with the guys in the club when I need paddling company. My mom and the rest of the family say I'm too old for this stuff, but I'm still trying to revive the interest of my 10 years older buddy who's been lying low for a year due to tennis elbow. I've got a bunch of beatup old boats that are getting a little dated, but next year I'll be 50, and think a new play- boat should be a nice present for the anniversary. In the meantime I keep a look on what's new and hot in the marketplace, while doing some pretty rad modifications on my old boats.
Peik Borud