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Wayne Smith rolling at Outer Island Wildlife Refuge, Thimble Islands, CT (Photo by Ken Finger)

Hi, Wayne Smith here. I'm 37, single, and have been paddling for a little over 20 years. I started out as a flatwater and easy whitewater canoeist, and now I'm mostly a sea kayaker, and I paddle some whitewater, too. I live in the eastern part of Connecticut, but am currently beginning to think about relocating to mid-coast Maine, as it's my favorite place to paddle. Very likely better cross-country skiing there than I get here, too.

I paddle a Current Designs Caribou and a Perception Pirouette S. I also still have the Coleman canoe I bought when I was 16 -- can't seem to kill the thing, but I am looking to replace it with an Old Town Penobscot 16 in the near future. Most of the paddling I do is in New England, and I've also paddled in Prince William Sound, Alaska, and in the maritime provinces in Canada. I'm currently the safety and education chairperson for the Rhode Island Canoe and Kayak Association, and actively paddle with the Connecticut Sea Kayakers (ConnYak), and the CT Appalachian Mountain Club whitewater paddlers as well. I also design and build native-derived kayak paddles, mostly Greenland style sea kayak paddles. No profit motives, just a fun hobby.

My website: has lots more stuff about some of my paddling mis-adventures, and lots of photos.

Wayne Smith