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The Rules of Kayaking/Boating

The Rules of Kayaking/Boating

Rule #1: Do not die.
Rule #2: See Rule #1.
Rule #3: Always respect the river Gods.
Rule #4: People are more important than boats.
Rule #5: When in doubt, don't.
Rule #6: Strainers are not your friends.
Rule #7: Undercuts are bad.
Rule #8: Smile for the camera.
Rule #9: The river is stronger than you are.
Rule #10: Gear at the Top, Beer at the Bottom
Rule #11: Bring a hot thermos between Labor Day and Memorial Day.
Rule #12: If you scout bring a throw rope and a camera.
Rule #13: Don't paddle with people who don't carry throw ropes.
Rule #14: Have your keys at the take-out.
Rule #15: If it's not fun, DON'T do it!!
Rule #16: Handrolls are a last resort, not the first.
Rule #17: Don't purposefully attack with your river-knife
Rule #18: Never let a new paddler go first or last
Rule #19: No river is "too easy" less you catch every eddy and surf every hole.
Rule #20: Cherish every river trip, no two are the same.
Rule #21: Save the person with the keys or the beer.
Rule #22: Screaming in terror is a waste of oxygen, don't do it.
Rule #23: Bad karma (like good karma) is not lost on the River Gods!!
Rule #24: No matter how friendly the river, you are not the river's friend.
Rule #25: River don't care.
Rule #26: Always have airbags.
Rule #27: When in doubt paddle, paddle, paddle.
Rule #28: Thank the poor souls who retrieve your lost gear.
Rule #29: Nothing says "Thank You" like a drink.

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