You stumble into a large clearing when suddenly you are engulfed in a heavy fog. All of a sudden you see a beautiful, tall woman with red lips, green eyes, long black hair and a white face. Her body is covered by mist and when she speaks to you, you want to cover your ears for her voice is both beautiful like the wind but painful also. You gaze at her in wonder as she speaks:
"Welcome to my realm, my child. You may stay as long as you like. I hope you enjoy your stay here and that you come back often. This realm is a sanctuary for all creatures big and small. You may go wherever you please and explore whatever catches your eye. Goddess Bless." She disappears and you are left to explore.
Last Updated 5/26/00
Welcome to all the newbies! I have updated points and I have also renovated pages like the Bookcovers and others. I didn't have time to put up and correct your stories, I'm sorry, I'll do that as soon as I update again. I'm also starting an Immortals club, but I haven't got everything up yet.
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