Hello everyone.. I decided to redo my "All about me page" since there was things that has changed in my life since I last updated... I am now 27 years old.. just had my birthday on May 2nd.

I am a Child care provider and I currently work from home... This is a very stressing job.. Alot of people work think "what joy to be able to work at home" I would Do just about anything to b able to switch jobs right now, But I am committed to this until Summer is over..

I have a Son he is 8 years old and is currently in the rd grade.. he is my pride and joy... the learn more about him go Here!

I live In Louisville Kentucky and I Love this Place, We are known For our Kentucky Derby and home of the Louisville Slugger baseball bats... We also throw the Biggest firework show in America every year in April to kick off the Kentucky Derby Festivals... to find out more about Louisville Go Here!

Ok now for things I like to do... well First and formost I am totally addicted to my Webtv Plus.. and Have been on here since Feb of "98" .. I have made many Friends on here and I cherish each of them..
You can Find Me hanging out in Ky newsgroup I stumbled across this group when it was just a few days old and have been there since then.:-)

Anyhow I also enjoying reading My MOST FAVORITE author is Anne Rice I love her Vampire Chronciles.. and I am Just finished reading .. "Merrick" which was awesome! ... I also Like Stephen King .. and J.K. Rowling she wrote the "Harry Potter" Books ... I Love those and I can't wait until July of 2001 for the fifth book to come out! and Believe it or not Im just not a Romance reader.. Them novels just always end too happy.... We all know Life can't be that good...lol...

Well I guess that is enough For now ... I wish everyone out there best in Luck in whatever you do.. and Thanks For stoping by... SeeYa!! Ange