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Where to begin, it became so much more complicated now. Ok Brad and James started their dream about six or seven years ago when Brad got a bass for Christmas and James got a guitar. They did not have a drummer but wrote many bad songs together in Brad's room. The whole time they loved it though because it was their dream to play in a band and make music for everyone to hear. In the eighth grade they tried out for the Memorial Middle School talent show. However, they were beaten by a band of preppie wannabes covering "Smells Like Teen Spirit". Only one band could play so it was not James and Brad and this dude Matt that played drums with them. Well anyway that band really did not work out due to the problem that the drummers parents would not let him play at his house they would only let him bring his drums over to Brad's and they were reluctant to do that just because it took so long. So anyway that was the end of that. After eighth grade Brad took a years vacation to the Marine Military Academy but this did not shatter his dream. When he came back James had figured out how to make his little keyboards due drum beats and once again they were a band, just Brad, James and the little keyboard. Brad and James however started playing football and when it looked like they would make varsity before their senior year they almost forgot their dream. But soon they found this really good bassist named Will and a really good drummer named Austin. This did not work for more than three or four practices because Will and Austin did not like punk and they were kind of preppie and poserish. Will did not like Brad's singing either he wanted him to sing like Pearl Jam. After this Brad realized that it was time for him to buy a drumset and learn to play the drums because there were all these other bassists and no punk drummers(at least none they could find). Anyways they hooked up with this bass player and singer named Mike. He was a great guy who always recycled before practice and liked the exact same bands and everything was going well. Brad was getting good at the drums they wrote a few songs and then all of a sudden James and his father have a falling out and James moves to Galveston to live with his mom. This was not cool. Brad did not waste anytime though, he met a guy named Thomas at school who saw him wearing a promark shirt and who happened to like punk and play guitar. So Brad, Thomas and two other guys from school tried to start a band. One of the guys Matt never came to practice because he smoked too much pot, but so do a lot of people he just could not handle it. Anyways this was put on hold until the summer when Thomas called Brad and asked if he still had his equipment and if he wanted to get a studio and Matt wanted to put in and would come to practice now and it would be 50 dollars each a month. Brad said great and begged his parents to loan him fifty dollars. They went and rented a studio downtown and this was how Half Assed was born and Matt never paid his rent and just left his amp there like an idiot so if Brad and Thomas ever see him I guess they can tell him where it is. If someone else has not already taken it. Anyways that is how half assed died as well. Ok then comes the more recent part. After a few months Brad's old friend shows up at Brad's school thinking that Brad is not sober, however Brad is and he and Brent decide to start a band with Brad on drums and Brent on guitar. Brent like metal and Brad liked punk but since Brent did not write the songs they played punk. So for a while they practiced like this and they wrote a few songs and hoped that one day they would find a bass player. Anyways Brent had talked Brad into trying a twelve step program and Brad tried PDAP. His first meeting he saw a guy with great big hair and a sex pistols tee shirt and asked him if he played any instruments he said yes that he played to bass guitar and then he started mumbling something about crack or something and Brad was like he's punk rock. His name was Thomas H So he brought him over to practice. Ok so the guy did not have an amp and had to use one that James had left when he moved to Galveston which was not met for bass and that is probably why it does not work anymore. Anyways after the first practice Brad was not sure but heck it's punk rock he said. So Brent came up with a name Guilt By Association. Cool, said Brad. Anyways this went on until Christmas time when they agreed to play at the PDAP New Years Eve Talent Show and Brent could not go. Great we will find a new guitarist to take his place for this one show. Ok who? Well this was fate right here because there was another band named Koffee Stainz who had invented themselves for this talent show and Brad fronted and straight up ganked their drummer. That was cool. So they practice like this and prepared there two songs but Brad was not sure about the vocals so they asked Juan to sing because he had karaoked to Lagwagon and it sounded pretty good. So they changed their name to Kleensweep and went to play at the PDAP talent show. When it was time to play Brad could not get his amp to turn on and the mike stand broke. Finally though they played their two songs. All was good everyone liked it and all the people that we had asked to be in the band and just alot of other people wanted to join. However after about a month Brad decided that he really wanted to sing and Brent wanted Brad to sing and that was that. Juan was out of the band, nothing personal he now sings with Reserved Parking with Brad in it. So anways after Brent helped kick Juan out he quits the band which did not make a lot of sense it was just that he did not have a lot of spare time and did not choose to spend the time that he did have on playing in a band. So everything was good. Then they got to play at PDAP again this time with Drawn Blank and O'Doyle Rules! And wouldn't you know it they messed up and all stopped playing in the middle of a song with Drawn Blank and O'Doyle Rules watching!! How embarrassing so they all got mad and they all quit but a week later they were all back in Brad's bedroom pumping out the tunes again. They knew they needed more practice and all of a sudden they were practicing tow to three times a week and getting really good and writing lots of songs and booking lots of gigs. James at this point had made amends with his father and planned to move back to Houston and of course join Kleensweep as soon as he got back. So everything was fine until they played at Cardi's on the 12th with Reserved Parking, Hypertonic and O'Doyle Rules, and actually this went well. However two days later Thomas H went to rehab and Mikey B(the drummer) had relapsed and was not allowed to play in the band anymore. Well great Brad canceled two shows. He had already found another bassist who happened to be Thomas R who played in half assed with Brad and James would take over Brad's duties and Brad would drum once more. So this is how we came to be the Kleensweep which we are today. THE END(for now)