Monday October 4--Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Today, I have been inspired. I have been inspired by madness and anger, hatred and rage. All for a door. How, you may ask, can a door cause so much trouble for my simple mind. It's simple. The door is evil. Many of you know that I live in the IRC. Some of you know that I live in what we call the "Man Cave." The cave, for those still unenlightened, is a small hallway in the first floor of Munford. A small, male hallway in the otherwise female Munford. Sounds like a great deal you may say. Indeed, in many ways it is. Except that the door which separates the cave from the first floor of Munford is the devil. It all started recently. This door was not always the devil. Given, we had our fights, like that time when I came home wasted in the wee hours of the Monday morning before classes, and I somehow ended up on the wrong side of said door in nothing but my boxers, and without my ID card, which bears the magic electronic strip that opens this door. This in a building otherwise inhabited by girls, many in their first year, including, I think, the one who finally let me back in to my cave, after, of course, a good and hearty laugh. But I digress, for this is not the reason the door is the devil. It was, at that time, only a minor imp of little importance in the grand scheme of things. It has since been upgraded and promoted. Yes, this door now includes a motion sensor to unlock it, making it "handicapped accessible." Note, that the door at the other end of the cave, which opens out into the open world is also "handicapped accessible," except for the step on the other side. So someone in a wheel chair exiting through this door would be in for quite a surprise, seeing this motion sensing apparatus that, I should point out, DOES NOT OPEN THE DOOR, but merely unlocks it. Yes, you must still push this door to the outside world open, a door which you opened before by pushing the little brass bar across the middle, now you may push anywhere on the door. But this is not the devil door. No, the devil door one must pull open. The motion sensor merely means that you do not have to turn the handle, you must merely pull on it. I guess they think that us University students are enormously lazy fucks. We are, as Bill O'Reilly put it, nothing more than "stoned slackers." I guess the massive amounts of pot we smoke means that while we can still pull the door open, we cannot, heaven forbid, turn the handle. I would also like to point out that a person in a wheel chair, who we will call Timmy, given the weight of this door, would have a hell of a hard time pulling it open without, say, rolling forward. Thus Timmy would have to go through the following steps to open the door: 1. Approach door. 2. Lock the wheelchair. 3. Pull door. 4. Unlock wheelchair. 5. Avoid being hit by the door. 6. Roll through the door. Note that steps 4 through 6 must be completed in approximately 2 seconds. I know what you are all thinking, that this was a supreme waste of University funding, but fails to qualify as evil. Agreed, as of now, it is not yet the devil. The devil is, as many have said, in the details. Here come the details. This mechanism squeaks. It does not squeak like a normal door, or a loose floorboard squeaks. No, it squeaks so loud, and in such a pitch that the first time I walked through the door after it's promotion from minor imp to Emperor of the Underworld, I was almost knocked flat. Yes, this is so loud, and so irritating, that it almost disabled my motor control. Fortunately, I am strong, and no mere noise can knock me flat. It just stunned me long enough for the closing door, which, by the way, opens and closes with a motor now, knocked me over when it hit me in the ass. This squeaking, or, as I like to call it, the devil's cry, occurs not just once, but twice every time this door is operated. Once on the opening, and a stronger cry on the closing. The devil calling all of it's imps to come through before the door closes again. Finally, this is for all of you first years out there who may still think that UVa Housing is a good and righteous organization. You are wrong. Given, the parking Nazis are still the true lords of evil within the university, and ISIS is a close second, Housing is third. Especially the maintenance department. I have personally filed 2 work orders on this. The other 5 fine cavemen have all filed at least one each, several 2. Jill Napier, the woman who runs the IRC has filed one. Our head resident has filed one. What have these myriad work orders resulted in? Has the door been fixed? NO. My second work order was filed this morning, when I checked the system, and discovered that they thought they had fixed it. So I filed a second work order at about 7:15 this morning, when I was only up because the Devil had been opened. The result was that at 7:30, someone came, and opened and closed the Devil several times to determine that it was, in fact, loud as fuck. This person than proceeded to knock on my door, necessitating that I get my ass back out of bed. Did he apologize for the noise of the door? No. He bitched at me for filing another work order on this. Because clearly something came out of the other work orders. So now, it's my fault that he and his housing maintenance demons won't fix the fucking door. Yes, it's my fault that the Devil wakes me up every time someone has to enter the cave. He than told me that someone was "on his way" to fix the Devil. 14 hours later, the Devil remains broken. I want to sleep tonight. Is there anyone out there, preferably close to the IRC, who can take me in? I can't stand another night of this fucking thing. I've had a headache for a week now. I surrender. The Devil has beaten me.