RobDog's Bio

to all those who have been touched by the Spirit: what part of the word

So, here you are and you want to know something about me? Back to the main page.

well this is who I am...I'm 5'11, 240 pounds and... wait a minute... you've all seen the picture on the front page. so I guess that you want to know about me.

well I am a very cool guy with many interests... such as, music(kevin prosh is my fave right now), ya know I love wrestling

I have been playing rugby now for seven years. and I am now playing for Douglas College, in which I was aquired in the biggest free agent signing in B.C. history. Many teams were doing whatever they could to sign the Dog but in the end Douglas won. Also I am looking forward to the up coming Rugby world cup in wales this fall.

I became a Christian at the age of 15 and now live for God everyday(I'm trying) I hang out alot at Young life(A cool youth group where you can learn about God) and have spent the last 5 summers at Camp Tulahead where you can give everything you have for God.(I put that in because I know that alot of you reading this are from Tulahead)

well since I am still constructing this site it is not yet finished so I'm leaving it like this for a while. Thanks

Some of my favorite things about life

My favorite songs for the month