Welcome To Robdog's Commentary

Hey wsup today ya'll? So I am here at douglas college today and just today I think I have met about 10 Douglas college lifers. They have spent like 3-4 years here and don't have anything really to show for it execpt a bunch of 1 st year courses and half of them are not even transferable. One dude who plays on my rugby team over his 4 years here has a 1.7 grade point average to show for his studies. What university is going to let him in with that. HE would have to stay here for another 4 years and average a 4.0 gpa just to bring his average up to a C+ average!!! What is with that??? What I told him is that it would be better for him to just go to a different college to get a fresh start on his gpa. But he likes it here and he is on the Student Council. MAn, I don't know but that sound wierd to me. But hey if it makes him happy its all good I guess.

I hope I never end up as a Douglas College Lifer. I just wonder if the goals of D.C lifers are to get a degree at a good university or just to expand their mind by learning? I am not dissing the 2nd goal because I see its appeal...During my time here at D.C. I have learned tons! I seriously never thought that learning would be fun but it totally is. I have espically loved the stuff I have learned in psychology. Also I like the stuff in geography. BUut the deturant is the tests and work. So I do see why someone could come here and not really care about the tests and work and just go to classes. But oh well it is not for me. I am hoping to transfer to UBC in January 2001 so wish me luck because I really want to get in.

Keep on rockin in the free world

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