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Sorry that this list is not yet complete, if you have suggestions just email them to me at

What is Cool for All Time
  • The robdog is my rolemodel website
  • Brinsley Saleken
  • WWF Wrestling
  • Ecw Wrestling
  • rugby
  • the simpsons
  • Whitney Deane
  • me wrestling
  • Seasons
  • Kevin Prosch
  • Playing guitar
  • Chris Jericho
  • Robdog is your Match Maker
  • Weddings
  • Dancing
  • Me dancing with you!
  • Talking on the phone for a long time
  • cold spagettii on a warm day
  • "wus my name fool"
  • "ring the bell sucka schools in"
  • Juggernaut( this guy is one of my wrestling instructors and an all round great guy )
  • Goo Goo Dolls
  • Great pictures of Robdog playing rugby all over Douglas
  • Giving the "Big Beatdown to suckers in rugby

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